
Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "CHEM 117"

CHEM 117  General Chemistry Laboratory  Units: 1.50  
Laboratory course intended for students who have taken CHEM 113 and CHEM 114 online and wish to add a laboratory component (i.e., that of CHEM 112) that affords foundational experience in different types of chemistries (physical, analytical, etc.) through experiments in thermodynamics, neutralization, electrochemistry, equilibria, kinetics and organic chemistry.
NOTE Laboratory Equipment (Lab Coat, Goggles, Blue Lab Book): estimated cost $67.
Learning Hours: 84 (36 Laboratory, 48 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite CHEM 114/3.0. Exclusion CHEM 112/6.0.  
Course Equivalencies: CHEM 117, CHEM 117B  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze experimental data critically.
  2. Do error analysis and reporting.
  3. Better understand some of the first-year chemistry material.
  4. Understand equipment principles and limitations.
  5. Understand and use concepts of equilibrium systems including acid/base, solubility, oxidation/reduction and precipitation systems.
  6. Determine and describe the kinetics of a system using different experimental procedures and relate the results to reaction mechanisms.

Environmental Chemistry – Specialization (Science) – Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Subject:  Administered by the School of Environmental Studies in partnership with the Department of Chemistry. Plan:  Consists of 102.00 units as described below. Program:  The Plan, with sufficient electives to total 120.00 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree.