
Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "COMM 251"

COMM 251  Organizational Behaviour  Units: 3.00  
This course introduces students to the study of human behaviour in organizations. The purpose is to provide a coherent account of the causes and consequences of organizational behaviour. Lectures, discussions, cases and exercises will be used to broaden the students' understanding of working environments. Whenever possible, students' own employment experiences will be drawn upon as a basis for understanding the concepts discussed.
Requirements: This course is restricted to students enrolled in the 2nd yr or greater of their program, excludes Commerce/CIB. EXCLUSIONS: No more than one course from COMM 251 or COMM 651 or EMPR 270 No more than 6.0 units from any COMM 200-level course.  
Course Equivalencies: COMM151/251/651  
Offering Faculty: Smith School of Business