
Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "LLCU 244"

LLCU 244  Hips Don't Lie? Music and Culture in Latin America  Units: 3.00  
This course explores key aspects of Latin American culture through the study of its musical production. We will approach notions of race, class, gender, and national identity by focusing on specific musical genres. By the end of the course, students will have a solid grounding in Latin American culture, as well as a deep understanding of some of its most significant musical manifestations. No previous musical training is needed. Students must commit to do all the readings, watch all the videos and films, listening to all the songs, and participate actively in class discussions.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 10 Online Activity, 74 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (Level 2 or above) or permission of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Exclusion SPAN 345/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the historical and cultural relevance of music in Latin America.
  2. Acquire critical and in-depth reading and listening skills to recognize important musical styles and movements from different regions of Latin America.
  3. Identify influential Latin American musicians of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  4. Assess the ways in which music influences our identities.
  5. Develop cultural sensitivity to a great variety of musical traditions and social practices.