Operations Management Records Group

Name Planned Gifts
Location Gift Planning
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, financial history, planned gift commitments.
Uses To track planned gifts, such as charitable trusts or bequests that require special arrangements.
Users Office of Advancement staff
Individuals in Bank Donors.
Retention Schedule
Name Stewardship
Location Stewardship and Benefactor Relations
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Naming Recognition
Location Stewardship and Benefactor Relations
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Advancement Volunteer Administration
Location Alumni Relations
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Details of volunteer role applicants including name, email address, phone number, relationship to Queen's, student number, staff number, Advance ID number, degree and year, mailing address, employer, job title and profession.
Uses Store applications to volunteer job roles.
Users Office of Advancement staff.
Individuals in Bank Alumni, students, and members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Alumni Merchandise Store
Location Alumni Relations
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Details of customer and recipient including email, shipping address, billing address, names, phone numbers and e-receipt from bank including last four digits of purchasers credit card.
Uses Facilitate purchases, marketing, and order details for additional future purchases.
Users Alumni Relations staff.
Individuals in Bank Students, alumni, and members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Event Registration System - Attendee Profile
Location Alumni Relations
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, email, date, payment confirmation.
Uses Run events and sales.
Users Departments and faculties hosting events.
Individuals in Bank Students, staff, alumni, and external guests.
Retention Schedule
Name Advance Entity Files
Location Advancement Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address and phone number, home fax number, email address, date of birth, age, marital/family status, credit card number, education history, employment history, financial history, correspondence regarding donations/contacts with University, reports related to University campaigns/initiatives.
Uses To maintain a record of corporate and individual donors for use in fundraising and promotional purposes.
Users Office of Advancement staff.
Individuals in Bank Alumni, Students, Allied Professionals.
Retention Schedule
Name Alumnus/Alumna/Donor Profile
Location Advancement Services.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, sex, date of birth, telephone, email, parent's name and address, marital status, name of spouse, program and graduation information, student activities, further education, donations, gifts, employment status and description, education history, employment history, financial history, correspondence regarding donations/contacts with University.
Uses To maintain a record of alumni for contact and communications, fundraising, and social activities.
Users Advancement staff, senior university staff.
Individuals in Bank Alumni and donors.
Retention Schedule
Name Gift Services
Location Gift Services.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Gift-In-Kind
Location Gift Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule

Name Library Card Application Files
Location University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, telephone, email, student number, employee number.
Uses To enable use of library circulation and user services.
Users Library Staff.
Individuals in Bank Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Integrated Library System - Patron Data
Location University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, telephone, email, student number, employee number, circulation history, library fines, membership fees.
Uses To maintain records of library circulation and user services.
Users Library Staff.
Individuals in Bank Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Assistive / Adaptive Technology Support Services
Location Academic Services, University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Library and Research Assistance Files
Location Academic Services, University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Equipment Loan (Library)
Location Academic Services, University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Alternate Formats and Transcription Services
Location Academic Services, University Library
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name User Registration and User Database (Archives)
Location ¹û½´ÊÓƵ Archives
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, telephone and email, student number, research interests, registration cards, reprographic requests, credit card numbers.
Uses To maintain records of Archives users and to provide public services.
Users Archives staff.
Individuals in Bank Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Security Incident Files
Location Campus Security and Emergency Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, telephone, email, student number, employee number, incident reports, physical descriptions.
Uses To maintain incident reports and issue security alerts on campus
Users Campus Security staff.
Individuals in Bank Individuals related to the incident.
Retention Schedule
Name Security Incident Files - Sexual Assault
Location Campus Security and Emergency Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, telephone, email, student number, employee number, incident reports, physical descriptions.
Uses To maintain incident reports and issue security alerts on campus.
Users Campus Security staff.
Individuals in Bank Individuals related to the incident.
Retention Schedule
Name Facility Access Files
Location Campus Security and Emergency Services, Department/Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name and contact details, building and office locations.
Uses To keep track of facility access by maintaining a log of access requests.
Users Campus Security.
Individuals in Bank Queen’s employees.
Retention Schedule
Name Registered Employer of Private Investigators and Security Guard Files
Location Campus Security and Emergency Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records consist of current employee list of private investigators and security guards and their licence numbers.
Uses Proof of certification for Queen's security staff.
Users Campus Security staff.
Individuals in Bank Queen's staff employed as private investigators or security guards.
Retention Schedule
Name Human Rights Advisory Services
Location Human Rights Office.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Names, employee ID, email, department, case information.
Uses Human rights advisory services files, human rights respondents’ advisor’s files and harassment/discrimination complaint board files.
Users Human Rights Office staff.
Individuals in Bank Staff, faculty, and students.
Retention Schedule
Name Human Rights Respondents Advisor's Files
Location Human Rights Office.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Names, employee ID, email, department, case information.
Uses Human rights advisory services files, human rights respondents’ advisor’s files and harassment/discrimination complaint board files.
Users Human Rights Office staff.
Individuals in Bank Staff, faculty, and students.
Retention Schedule
Name Harassment/Discrimination Complaint Board Files
Location Office of the University Ombudsman.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, program/year, complaint and response documentation.
Uses To document Harassment/Discrimination Complaint Process.
Users Ombudsman Office staff.
Individuals in Bank Students, staff, faculty.
Retention Schedule
Name Camps and Participant Waivers
Location Faculties, Departments
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name of children, contact details, parental information, academic information.
Uses Proof of parental permission to attend and participate in events.
Users Academic and Administrative Staff, Student Supervisors/Instructors.
Individuals in Bank High School & Public School Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Conference and Hospitality Services
Location Physical Plant Services.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, home telephone, home email, employee number, credit card number.
Uses To maintain records of conference and event planning and delivery at the University.
Users Conference and Hospitality Services staff.
Individuals in Bank Faculty, staff, members of the public.
Retention Schedule
Name Athletics and Fitness Programs
Location Athletics Centre.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, student number, sports participation, general medical history, name of contact in case of emergency.
Uses Record student, staff, and other members’ participation in organized sports and fitness programs and notification in case of emergency.
Users Athletic Centre staff, physical education staff.
Individuals in Bank Students, staff and the public participating in organized sports and fitness programs.
Retention Schedule
Name Office of the University Ombudsperson intake files
Location Office of the Ombudsperson
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Inquiries and responses
Uses Offer confidential and informal assistance to the Queen’s community in helping students, staff, faculty, parents, and alumni understand policies and procedures within the university.
Users Office of the Ombudsperson
Individuals in Bank Students, staff, faculty, parents, and alumni
Retention Schedule
Name Photo AV Recording Release
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, email address, telephone number, name of parent or guardian (if under 18).
Uses Documents permission given to reproduce images or audio and video recordings.
Users Marketing and Communications staff,faculty staff.
Individuals in Bank Students, faculty, staff, members of the public.
Retention Schedule ---

Name Basic Biographical Information (Student)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, date of birth, address, student number, cumulative academic record, course withdrawal, medical information, achievements and awards, degree lists, official transcripts.
Uses To maintain a record of student academic and administrative history and progression through studies.
Users Faculty and Department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Other Biographical Information (Student)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, date of birth, address, student number, cumulative academic record, course withdrawal, medical information, achievements and awards, degree lists, official transcripts.
Uses To maintain a record of student academic and administrative history and progression through studies.
Users Faculty and Department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Contact Information (Student)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Admission information, student name, student number, address, phone number, email
Uses Contact student
Users Faculty and Department staff
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Email Contact Information (Student)
Location Information Technology Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, home telephone number, home email address, student number, employee number, password, contracts or agreements, financial information.
Uses To maintain internet and intranet accounts for students, faculty and staff
Users Information Technology Services staff
Individuals in Bank Students, staff and faculty.
Retention Schedule
Name Academic Record
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Enrollment information, transcripts, student name, student number, email
Uses Record of student enrollment/grades/progression
Users Faculty and Department staff
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Academic Standings
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student academic standing, student name, student number, email
Uses Academic progress.
Users Faculty and Department staff
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Non-academic Indicators and Sanctions
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Letters/indicators in student system, student name, student number, email.
Uses Information regarding non-academic actions.
Users Faculty and Department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Grades
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Grades and grade changes for students, student name, student number, email.
Uses Academic progress.
Users Faculty and Department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Academic Progress
Location Faculty, Department or Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, record of advising sessions.
Uses To assist students in making program, degree, and course choices.
Users Faculty, Department and Registrar staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Sanctioned Student Files
Location Faculty, Department or Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, home telephone and fax numbers, email, date of birth, age, student number, transcripts, education history, employment history, individual's own personal opinions, opinions expressed about individual by another; information about disciplinary action.
Uses To maintain a record of students with which academic disciplinary action has been taken.
Users Faculties and Departments, Office of the University Registrar, unit-specific Registrar Offices.
Individuals in Bank Students under review for academic discipline.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Registration
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, date of birth, address, student number, cumulative academic record, course registration and withdrawal, achievements and awards, degree lists, official transcripts.
Uses To maintain a record of student registration and academic history, to verify academic achievement and to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with statistical reports.
Users Registrar's staff, academic division/program/course staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Card and Photo Identification
Location University Registrar.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name/photo/student number/faculty.
Uses Entry into facilities/proof of affiliation/exams.
Users Students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Photo Identification Database
Location University Registrar.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name/photo/student number/faculty.
Uses Entry into facilities/proof of affiliation/exams.
Users Students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Candidate Files (Successful)
Location Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, date of birth, citizenship, address, telephone, marital status, secondary school/prior educational history and transcripts, functional level test results, degree programs applied for, supplementary information, applications to transfer from other institutions, admissions committee deliberations and decisions, offers of admission, change of plan requests.
Uses To determine eligibility for admission; document the admissions process, and admit students to programs.
Users Registrar Staff, academic staff, and Undergraduate Chairs.
Individuals in Bank Applicants.
Retention Schedule
Name Candidate Files (Unsuccessful)
Location Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, date of birth, citizenship, address, telephone, marital status, secondary school/prior educational history and transcripts, functional level test results, degree programs applied for, supplementary information, applications to transfer from other institutions, admissions committee deliberations and decisions, offers of admission, change of plan requests.
Uses To determine eligibility for admission; document the admissions process, and admit students to programs.
Users Registrar Staff, academic staff, and Undergraduate Chairs.
Individuals in Bank Applicants.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Accounts Receivable Database
Location University Registrar.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records of tuition and incidental fees paid and reimbursed, and records of balances owing for residence fees, library fees, and other fees, reports to collection agencies.
Uses To manage student financial accounts with the University.
Users Office of the University Registrar, Financial Services and other units.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Fee Assessment
Location University Registrar.
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Fees assessed, student name, student number, email.
Uses Charge students for tuition & fees.
Users Department staff/students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Alternate Payment Arrangement
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained APA agreements/actions, student name, student number, email.
Uses Ensure accounts are paid.
Users Department staff/students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Debit Memo
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Returned bank payments, student name, student number, email.
Uses Record of NSF from student payments.
Users Department staff/students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Tax Certificate Data (Student)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Tuition Paid/Attendance/specified activity fees/year.
Uses Students use to file income taxes.
Users Students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Fee Waiver Process
Location Office of the Provost
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Tuition Paid/Attendance/specified activity fees/year.
Uses Students use to file income taxes.
Users Students.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Renewable Scholarships and Bursaries Files (Successful Applicants)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, course/program information, scholarship/award criteria, evaluations, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, or awards, award donor information.
Users Aid Office staff, Registrar's staff, academic/program staff, sponsor.
Individuals in Bank Students applying, nominated for or receiving award/scholarship.
Retention Schedule
Name Non-Renewable Scholarships and Bursaries Files (Successful Applicants)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, course/program information, scholarship/award criteria, evaluations, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, or awards, award donor information.
Users Aid Office staff, Registrar's staff, academic/program staff, sponsor.
Individuals in Bank Students applying, nominated for or receiving award/scholarship.
Retention Schedule
Name Scholarships and Bursaries Files (Unsuccessful Applicants)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, course/program information, scholarship/award criteria, evaluations, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, or awards, award donor information.
Users Aid Office staff, Registrar's staff, academic/program staff, sponsor.
Individuals in Bank Students applying, nominated for or receiving award/scholarship.
Retention Schedule
Name Ontario Student Loan Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Out-of-Province Student Loan Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Federal Family Education Loan Program Student Loan Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Line of Credit Files (Successful Applicants)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Line of Credit Files (Unsuccessful Applicants)
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Queen's Short-Term Loan Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name ¹û½´ÊÓƵ General Loan Program Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Default ¹û½´ÊÓƵ Student Loan File
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Social Insurance Number, address, age, sex, marital status, residency status, education, employment history, income and assets of applicant, parents, sponsors, spouse, budget documentation, tax certificates.
Uses To determine eligibility for the Ontario Study Grant Plan, the Canada Student Loans Plan, the Ontario Student Loans Plan, and any other governmental loans, and to assess funding amounts. Includes the Line of Credit Program. Includes emergency loan applications and funds dispersal.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Graduate Student Files
Location School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Application to graduate studies, copies of all correspondence from SGS to student, copies of course enrolment forms, copies of change of status forms.
Uses To maintain a file of student academic and administrative history.
Users SGS staff.
Individuals in Bank Students enrolled in graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Retention Schedule
Name Applications to Graduate Programs
Location School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history, employment history, Queen's student number if applicable, Indigenous self-identification information, research interests, financial information, name and contact information for referees .
Uses To evaluate applicants for admission to graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Users SGS staff, Graduate Departmental/Program personnel.
Individuals in Bank Applicants for admission to graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Retention Schedule
Name Departmental Admissions Files (Graduate Student)
Location Faculty, Department or Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history, employment history, Queen's student number if applicable, Indigenous self-identification information, research interests, financial information, name and contact information for referees .
Uses To evaluate applicants for admission to graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Users Graduate Departmental/Program personnel.
Individuals in Bank Students seeking financial assistance.
Retention Schedule
Name Administration of Application for External Awards
Location School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Information as required on the application, which normally includes name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history, employment history,Indigenous self-identification information, research interests, financial information, name and contact information for referees.
Uses To evaluate students for eligibility for external awards; to submit materials to external agencies for award competitions.
Users Students, SGS staff, Graduate Departmental/Program personnel, personnel at external agency.
Individuals in Bank Students applying for external awards.
Retention Schedule
Name Departmental Internal Awards
Location Faculty, Department or Academic Unit and School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Information as required on the application, which normally includes name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history, employment history,Indigenous self-identification information, research interests, financial information, name and contact information for referees.
Uses To evaluate students for eligibility for departmental and internal awards.
Users Students, SGS staff, Graduate Departmental/Program personnel, members of SGS Award subcommittees who adjudicate the competition(s). .
Individuals in Bank Students applying for or nominated for departmental and internal awards.
Retention Schedule
Name Annual Evaluation of Graduate Students (Progress Reports)
Location School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, home telephone number, student number, transcripts, education history, resumes, reference letters, performance appraisals, graduate supervision and advisory records.
Uses To assess student progress in graduate programs and other specific programs.
Users Faculty members and supervisors.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Thesis Examination Committee
Location School of Graduate Studies
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, student number, email, date, time and place of oral thesis examination, names and contact information of all members of oral thesis examination.
Uses To schedule the student's oral thesis examination.
Users SGS staff, Graduate Departmental/Program personnel.
Individuals in Bank Students who have an oral thesis examination and the faculty members involved.
Retention Schedule
Name Departmental Graduate Student Record
Location Faculty, Department or Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history, employment history, Queen's student number if applicable, Indigenous self-identification information, research interests, financial information, name and contact information for referees.
Uses To evaluate applicants for admission to graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Users Financial Aid Office staff, the Ministry of Education and Training, partner banking institutions.
Individuals in Bank Applicants for admission to graduate studies at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ.
Retention Schedule
Name Law Professional Degree Student Files
Location Faculty of Law
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Admissions data as required on the application, including name, address, date of birth, gender, residency status, education history (transcripts), employment history, personal statement, reference letters including name and contact information, additional misc documents to support application (proof of Indigenous heritage, disability accommodation etc); student records data which could include photo release forms, reference request forms, consent to release personal information form, academic integrity issues, academic standings and policies decisions; misc correspondence.
Uses To evaluate applicants for admission to law school at ¹û½´ÊÓƵ & if admitted, becomes their permanent file at the law school.
Users Queen's Law admissions & student services staff.
Individuals in Bank Applicants for admission and students.
Retention Schedule
Name Medical Resident's Files
Location Post-Graduate Medical Education
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, citizenship status, licensing credentials, medical degree information, emergency contact information, program status, gender, confirmation registration fees paid.
Uses To track resident registration status.
Users Postgraduate Medical Education staff for verification requests, and registration status confirmation.
Individuals in Bank Current, incoming and graduated residents.
Retention Schedule
Name Post-Graduate Medical Resident Application Files (Unsuccessful Candidates)
Location Post-Graduate Medical Education
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained CaRMS application summary including CV, name, address, phone number, email address, examination results and assessments, medical student performance record.
Uses Held for one year for reference.
Users Postgraduate Medical Education staff.
Individuals in Bank Unsuccessful residency applicants.
Retention Schedule
Name Clinical / Research Fellow Files
Location Post-Graduate Medical Education
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, citizenship status, licensing credentials, medical degree information, emergency contact information, program status, gender, confirmation registration fess paid.
Uses To track resident registration status.
Users Postgraduate Medical Education staff for verification requests, and registration status confirmation.
Individuals in Bank Current, incoming and graduated clinical / research fellows.
Retention Schedule
Name Elective Trainees' Files
Location Post-Graduate Medical Education
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, date of birth, student number, citizenship status, licensing credentials, medical degree information, emergency contact information, program status, gender, confirmation registration fess paid.
Uses To track resident registration status.
Users Postgraduate Medical Education staff for verification requests, and registration status confirmation.
Individuals in Bank Current, incoming and graduated clinical / research fellows.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Practicum Placement Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, phone number, date of birth, student number, gender, email addresses, program, board and secondary school from which graduated, electronic permission for photo/video release, and electronic permission for collection of work for accreditation review purposes; choices of Ontario district school boards for practicum, brief background description of hobbies/interest and academic background
Uses To record candidate placement information, identifying geographic areas for practicum and background information for principals and teachers to whom candidates are placed.
Users Practicum Office staff, associate teachers, principals, faculty liaisons
Individuals in Bank Current academic and previous academic year B.Ed./Dip.Ed. candidates (4-term program that overlaps each summer term), and Undergraduate Concurrent Education candidates (Years 1-5)
Retention Schedule
Name Practicum Registration
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, phone number, date of birth, student number, gender, email addresses, program, board and secondary school from which graduated, electronic permission for photo/video release, and electronic permission for collection of work for accreditation review purposes; choices of Ontario district school boards for practicum, brief background description of hobbies/interest and academic background
Uses To obtain practicum preference information from incoming B.Ed./Dip.Ed. Candidates
Users Practicum Office staff
Individuals in Bank Faculty Liaisons
Retention Schedule
Name Faculty Liaison Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Faculty Liaison Names, section, course weight
Uses Scheduling PROF 410 and 411 sections based on collective agreement for course
Users Practicum Office staff
Individuals in Bank Faculty Liaisons
Retention Schedule
Name Teacher Candidate Assessment Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained all practicum assessments
Uses Candidate placement outcomes and practicum grade submissions (multiple practicum courses)
Users Practicum Office staff, Faculty Liaisons
Individuals in Bank All B.Ed./Dip.Ed. and Undergraduate Concurrent Education candidates for 5 years upon successful graduation of B.Ed./Dip.Ed. program
Retention Schedule
Name Associate Teacher Honoraria Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Payee, School, Board, Amount
Uses Retrieval of honoraria payment information
Users Practicum Office staff
Individuals in Bank Associate Teachers who have mentored candidates
Retention Schedule
Name Student Alternative Placement Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, age, sex, placement assessments and reviews.
Uses To record student progress and outcomes in educational placements.
Users Faculty staff
Individuals in Bank Students completing educational placements
Retention Schedule
Name Qualifying Teacher Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Teacher/Teacher Candidate Career Placement Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Events Registration and Materials Submissions
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, Email, Date, Payment Confirmation.
Uses Run events and sales.
Users Departments and faculties hosting events
Individuals in Bank Students, staff, and external guests.
Retention Schedule
Name Continuing Teacher Education Program, Student Files
Location Faculty Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, OCT number, address, phone number, email.
Uses Admissions and OCT recommendations.
Users CTE department
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Financial Advising
Location Office of the University Registrar, unit-specific Registrars
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, record of advising sessions, budget records.
Uses To assist students in determining financial aid options and available programs.
Users Office of the University Registrar staff and unit-specific Registrar staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Departure from Academic Integrity Cases Level I 
Location Faculty or School Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, evidence gathered of a possible departure from academic integrity, sanction and/or remedy documentation, appeal documentation.
Uses To resolve a possible departure from academic integrity.
Users Faculty or School Office staff
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Departure from Academic Integrity Cases Level II
Location Faculty or School Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, evidence gathered of a possible departure from academic integrity, sanction and/or remedy documentation, appeal documentation.
Uses To resolve a possible departure from academic integrity.
Users Faculty or School Office staff
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Departure from Academic Integrity Cases do not proceed/dismissed
Location Faculty or School Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, evidence gathered of a possible departure from academic integrity, sanction and/or remedy documentation, appeal documentation.
Uses To resolve a possible departure from academic integrity.
Users Faculty or School Office staff
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Non-Academic Discipline
Location University Secretariat, Faculties, Departments, Alma Mater Society, Residence Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, home address, home telephone and fax numbers, home email address, date of birth, age, gender, marital/family status, student number, transcripts, education history, employment history, individual's own personal opinions, opinions expressed about individual by another; information about disciplinary action.
Uses To maintain a record of students with which non-academic disciplinary action has been taken.
Users Faculties and Departments.
Individuals in Bank Students under review for non-academic discipline.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Grievances and Appeals
Location Secretariat, Faculty Boards, University Rector, Alma Mater Society, Coordinator of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, program/year, appeal and grievance documentation.
Uses To document student appeal process.
Users Senior staff, University Rector, Coordinator of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Alma Mater Society representatives.
Individuals in Bank Students with appeals and/or grievances.
Retention Schedule
Name Final Degree List
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Graduation information, student name, email, student number.
Uses Determine if a student is eligible to graduate.
Users Department and Faculty Staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Career Services
Location Office of Career Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, student number, resumes, application documents, vocational assessments.
Uses Records documenting student participation in internship programs, on campus recruitment, registration for workshops, counselling appointments, attendance at CS coordinated events. Also used to assist students in finding internship opportunities, and exploring career goals and options.
Users Career Services Staff and Faculty partners.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule

Name Student Patient / Client Files
Location Student Wellness Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, telephone, OHIP number, record of physical examination, medical history, chest x-ray and immunization record (for health sciences students).
Uses To maintain records of student health records
Users Health, Counselling and Disability Services staff
Individuals in Bank Students enrolled in health sciences programs, employees and students using health centre services
Retention Schedule
Name Appointment Scheduling System
Location Student Wellness Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, telephone, OHIP number, email, DOB, permanent home address, emergency contact information, complete medical record including but not limited to: lab work, appointment history, medication history, chest x-ray , immunization record, appeal letters, self-report inventories, counselling notes, progress notes, emails to and from SWS
Uses To maintain records of student health and counselling records
Users Administrative staff, physicians, counsellors, nurses
Individuals in Bank Primarily students, occasionally spouses, occasionally staff
Retention Schedule
Name Physician Basic Information
Location Student Wellness Services
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Signed contract & governance agreement, void cheque and new employee form, address, telephone, email, confidentiality agreement, CV, references, CPIC, CMPA proof of insurance, CPSO certificate of good standing, emergency contact information, college complaints (if any)
Uses Maintain record of SWS physicians
Users Administrative staff
Individuals in Bank Physicians and specialists both current and departed
Retention Schedule
Name Ban Righ Centre User Database
Location Ban Righ Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records consist of information of current student users and non-student users Information collected includes name, Queen's email address, other email address, phone number, student number (if available), education information, demographic information, and number of children.
Uses To facilitate the operations of the centre
Users Ban Righ Centre staff
Individuals in Bank Student and non-student users
Retention Schedule
Name Administration of Financial Assistance Programs - Ban Righ Centre
Location Ban Righ Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records consist of application forms, interview notes and other supporting documents. 
Uses Used for Spring Awards, emergency bursaries, and professional development funding.
Users Ban Righ Centre staff
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Inspiring Women Awards
Location Ban Righ Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Nomination packages.
Uses To facilitate issuing the Inspiring Women Awards
Users Ban Righ Centre staff
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Student Advising Files
Location Office of the Rector
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Confidential advising files, including session notes, referrals, recommendations.
Uses To facilitate counseling for students by the Rector
Users University Rector
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name International Student Advisory Services Files
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Emergency Support Program Files
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Student/Staff Incident Abroad Files
Location International Centre
Legal Authority ---
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name University Health Insurance Plan Files
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records related to health insurance needs, incl: Name, student number, UHIP member ID's, record of coverage period, dependent information, gender, date of birth.
Uses To manage the UHIP policy and administration of the plan with the insurer, local clinics/hospitals.
Users International Centre staff
Individuals in Bank International students, returning Canadians, new permanent residents, and dependants
Retention Schedule
Name University Health Insurance Plan Data
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Records related to health insurance needs, incl: Name, student number, UHIP member ID's, record of coverage period, dependent information, gender, date of birth.
Uses To reconcile enrolments and coverage with fees.
Users International Centre staff.
Individuals in Bank International students, returning Canadians, new permanent residents, and dependants.
Retention Schedule
Name International Educator Training Program Administration
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Education Abroad Advisory Service
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Legal Aid Client Files
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, telephone number, email address, medical information, intake notes, case information sheet, copy of the retainer and opening letter, memos, opinion letter, correspondence, photos, disclosure, claims, closing letter and other documents related to the case.
Uses To document legal advice and assistance provided to clients of Queen’s Law Clinics
Users Law students, Senior Review Counsel, Clinic Directors and Review Counsel
Individuals in Bank Members of the public, including individual and organizational clients of QLC, QLC employees/volunteers, and affiliated professionals.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Residence and Housing
Location Residence Office, Student Apartment and Housing Office
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, address, email, telephone, questionnaires, parent/guardian, and next of kin contacts, housing contracts, incident reports, records of non-academic discipline.
Uses To maintain record of students applying and staying in residence and records of students using the apartment and housing services
Users Residence staff, Student Apartment and Housing staff, collection agencies
Individuals in Bank Students in residence and students in apartments and housing owned by the University.
Retention Schedule OP6700
Name Marriage Register
Location Office of the Chaplain
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Names and addresses of individuals married as well as witnesses at ceremony
Uses To maintain a record of marriages performed by Chaplain
Users University Chaplain
Individuals in Bank Members of public
Retention Schedule
Name Chaplaincy Services
Location Office of the Chaplain
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, student number, address, telephone, email, counselling records
Uses To counsel students on personal matters
Users University Chaplain
Individuals in Bank Students
Retention Schedule
Name Administration of QUIC Training
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name QUIC Staff Training
Location International Centre
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule

Name Research Integrity Complaint Files
Location Office of the Vice-Principal (Research)
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule
Name Research Integrity Files
Location Office of the Vice-Principal (Research)
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained ---
Uses ---
Users ---
Individuals in Bank ---
Retention Schedule

Name Gradebooks
Location Originating Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, student number.
Uses Grading coursework.
Users Instructors, faculty and department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Class Lists
Location Originating Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, student number, profile photo, contact information.
Uses Administering and delivering academic courses.
Users Instructors, faculty and department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Communications
Location Originating Academic Unit
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Email, chat messages and other communications with students.
Uses Communicating with students about the course.
Users Instructors, faculty and department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Learning Management System User Profiles
Location Centre for Teaching and Learning
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, profile picture, contact information, student ID.
Uses Administering and delivering academic courses.
Users Instructors, faculty and department staff.
Individuals in Bank Students.
Retention Schedule
Name Student Assessment of Teaching
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Name, opinions and assessments of instructors.
Uses To maintain records on instructor and course evaluations.
Users Instructors, faculties and departments.
Individuals in Bank Faculty, and other teaching staff.
Retention Schedule
Name Exam Planning and Timetable Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, number, email, course/program information. Instructor name, email and phone numbers (office and personal).
Uses To be able to schedule student exams conflict-free.
Users Exams Administration Team, Students, Faculty, Staff.
Individuals in Bank Students, faculty.
Retention Schedule
Name Exam Conflict / Special Arrangements Files
Location University Registrar
Legal Authority Queen’s Royal Charter of 1841, as amended
Information Maintained Student name, number, email, course/program information and accommodation requirements, instructor name and associated courses.
Uses Scheduling exams, fulfilling accommodation requests.
Users Students, Instructors, Exams Administration Team.
Individuals in Bank Students, faculty.
Retention Schedule