¹û½´ÊÓƵ Chemical Engineering Class of 1956
Sc'56 School Days
Sc'56 35th Reunion
Sc'56 35th Reunion
Sc'56 55th Reunion
Sc'56 55th Reunion

Smith Engineering: Class of 1956

Next reunion

Each year, thousands of alumni return to Kingston to celebrate Homecoming, reconnect with classmates, and learn about university initiatives, research, and the exciting work being done across campus.

In November 2023, Mr. Stephen J.R. Smith, Sc’72, LLD'17, made a transformational philanthropic investment in the faculty and in honour of Mr. Smith’s exceptional generosity, the faculty now bears his name: the Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University, also known as .

This exciting change does not impact your reunion. Details about your class reunion will be added to this page as plans are confirmed.  to receive emails and information about your class reunion plans.