Hugh Winsor, Arts’64, a former Globe and Mail columnist and dedicated volunteer, is the recipient of the Agnes Benidickson Award, the highest tribute given by the Ottawa Branch of the Ƶ Alumni Association. It is presented to an individual for distinguished service to Queen’s and Canada.
“Mr. Winsor epitomizes what the Agnes stands for – dedication, contribution, and achievement. Canada and Queen’s have benefitted enormously from Mr. Winsor’s commitment to excellence, tireless work ethic, and wealth of experience. The Ottawa Branch of the QUAA is absolutely delighted to present the 2016 Agnes to such a deserving recipient,” says Ottawa Branch President Jenn Pelley, MPA’09.
Mr. Winsor is being honoured for his contributions to Canada’s political landscape as a journalist, his commitment to protecting and expanding freedom of the press, and his ongoing dedication to Queen’s students.
Mr. Winsor started at the Globe in 1969 and officially retired from the Globe’s Ottawa Bureau in 2003. He was at the Globe for most of his career except for a short stint in the 1980s when he worked for CBC TV’s The Journal.
He’s also been an adjunct professor at the Queen’s School of Policy Studies and a founding director of the North-South Institute. He served on the board of OXFAM Canada, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, and the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom. He was made a member of the Order of Canada in 2005.
Join the Ottawa Branch when it honours Mr. Winsor on April 26. The Agnes Benidickson Award reception takes place at the Rideau Club in Ottawa and online registration is now open.