Guests at the Calgary Branch annual dinner
Guests at the Calgary Branch annual dinner

Popular Calgary Branch Event Turns 25 Years Old

One of the oldest and most popular Calgary Branch alumni events is turning 25 this year.

Ƶ 100 alumni are expected to attend the 25th Annual Dinner on June 18, which takes place at the home of alumna Kim Sturgess, Sc’77.There are many reasons why the event has become so popular.

For the host, it is a chance to give back to her university and get to know people in the Queen’s alumni community.“I enjoy giving back to Queen’s,” says Kim. “When the Calgary Alumni Association was rebuilding in the 80’s, hosting the Annual Dinner was something I could do to contribute that was not available to others. Now the Dinner has become a tradition which I look forward to every year. It is something uniquely Calgary that I can do for Queen’s.”

Former Annual Dinner organizer Win Fraser, Si’73, enjoys the event because it attracts a broad variety of people from many ages, faculties and interests.

“The Annual Dinner is special because it brings together the broadest demographic of Queen’s alumni of any event we host in Calgary. Current students and recent grads join alumni from up to 60 years (or more) ago, all with a common interest in each other and the University,” says Win. “The dinner always has great food and drink (catered by Devour Catering) and an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie.”

For Kiki Williamson, Artsci’86, and her husband Andy, Sc’85, the Annual Dinner not long after their graduation was the first Calgary Branch event they attended. One year Andy met the late Peter Lougheed, the former Alberta Premier and Queen’s Chancellor, and they chatted about the oil industry like they were old friends. 

“We met such a range of really friendly alumni that we decided this group of people had to be part of our life,” says Kiki. “Years later we were able to bring our daughters as students and fellow alumni so we love attending as two generations of Queen’s fans.”

Online registration for this year’s Annual Dinner closes on June 11.