In this series of interviews, we hear from select Art History and Art Conservation alumni and discover the paths they have taken after graduation. If you or someone you know is a graduate of 果酱视频's Art History or Art Conservation program with a story to tell, please email the details to Jenna Simeonov, Communications Assistant.
Interviews with Our Alumni
Violet Tang, M.A. '22
"Every skill I acquired in Art History training was transferrable into my professional life, and I cannot wait to see what more it has to offer."
Dayna Obbema, M.A. '22
"It can be intimidating when some of your peers seem to have things figured out with a clear idea of what they want to do for a career. But there's also a lot of freedom in not having that planned out."
MaryClaire Pappas, Ph.D. '22
"While many of us may not choose an art history degree because we want to learn how to think critically (although it is a bonus), this skill is perhaps the most underrated skill we learn as art historians and most transferable to various professions."
Eleanore Mackie, M.A. '20
"I think that this path of study has inherently made me more empathetic. Having the ability and the willingness to remain open to new perspectives while practicing kindness will take you far, no matter where you are."
Marla Dobson, Ph.D. '18
"My advice? Keep your options open and your foot in the door of the professional world. Treat your time in grad school as an unparalleled learning opportunity and not a means to an end."
Jessica Insley, B.A. '13
"Learning how to look at art critically and becoming familiar with the language and vocabulary used to describe the objects in front of me felt akin to discovering a whole new lens from which to view the world."
Emma Landis, B.A. '13
"My first experiences with works of historical importance were at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre with my late father. Learning from his perspective as an archivist, I began to understand from a young age that art carries value beyond aesthetics."
Mathieu Sly, M.A. '14
"The biggest fallacy in my view is that when you're in your 20s you have to have it all figured out. Curiosity, optimism, and joy have always served me well. These things are contagious."