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A message in support of our Non-binary, Trans, and 2SLGBTQ+ community

Dear members of the Queen’s Community,

As you may be aware, demonstrations are taking place today in Kingston and other cities across Canada, opposing any school curriculum focused on gender identity and gender expression, and directly targeting Non-binary, Trans, and 2SLGBTQ+ community. We realize that this is an alarming situation and a very difficult time for many community members who are particularly impacted by the rise of anti-2SLGBTQ+ activity and sentiment across the country.

As we stand with the Queer, Non-binary and Trans community, we remain committed to fostering an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment for everyone, to human rights and dignity, and to the protection of spaces in which gender and intersectional social justice issues are freely discussed, studied, and researched.

Our primary concern is the safety and security of all community members. The university offers space, advising, programming, and services for students who identify as Queer, Non-binary, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and/or as People of Colour (QTBIPoC) through the Yellow House Student Centre for Equity and Inclusion, and additional on-campus and community-based supports. 24/7 resources include: Empower Me, , or . Employees can reach out to TELUS Health One (formerly LifeWorks), Queen’s confidential Employee and Family Assistance Program provider. For immediate safety concerns, call 911 or Campus Security and Emergency Services.

Stephanie Simpson,
Vice-Principal Culture, Equity, and Inclusion

Note: This statement originally appeared in the Queen's Gazette.