¹û½´ÊÓƵ Grads thrive in Job Market
Queen’s University graduates stack up favourably in the job market, according to surveys that track the employment outcomes of university graduates.
Day-long writing event for First-Years
In collaboration with Residence Life, Student Academic Success Services (SASS) will be running Get It Done: The Long Day Against Procrastination, a day-long writing event for first-year students designed to help them combat procrastination around writing their final assignments. The intention is for students to work on their writing project
Sweet sounds of success
The Queen’s Conservatory of Music is working with the Joe Chithalen Memorial Instrument Lending Library (Joe’s MILL) and First Avenue Public School to launch Sistema Kingston. The after-school music program for at-risk children focuses on positive social change through the pursuit of musical excellence.
The Alfred Bader Lecture - Roald Hoffmann Nobel Prize Laureate
Crossing Cultures Workshop
Come to a workshop facilitated by Queen’s Cross-Cultural Counsellor Arunima Khanna (Health, Counselling and Disability Services).
In this workshop, you will learn about resources that will support your academic and personal success, and tips on how to get past the rough spots.
Join the Faculty of Arts and Science for four events during the March Break Open House
Departmental Fair: meet with faculty, staff, and students from 5 Schools and 22 Departments, Undergraduate Admissions Office, Graduate School, Law School, Medical School, Faculty of Education, and the International Programs Office. The departmental fair will be held from 10 am to 2 pm at Grant Hall.
March Break Open House Event
The Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen's would like to invite March Break Open House attendees to join us for an interactive Psychology 100 lab:
Don't Spill Your Drink!
11 am-Ânoon or 1Â2-1pm
School of Medicine, New Medical Building, Room 132A
Integrating online resources into your Teaching
Co-sponsored by the Arts and Science Course Redesign Project and the Centre for Teaching and Learning.