Email Signatures
To create brand consistency in our email communications, the email signature generator is available to make the creation of personalized full and reply/forward email signatures fast and easy.
- Fill out the form.
- Press “Email full signature” and “Email reply/forward signature” buttons to email the personalized signature to your inbox.
- Copy and paste your signature from the email into the signature block in Outlook.
are provided by Microsoft Support.
Signature Output
Two versions of the email signature are provided:
Full Signature: The mandatory elements of the full email signature are a name, job title, faculty or department, email address, the Queen's logo, and the land acknowledgment. The land acknowledgment is available in English and in the three languages of English, Mohawk, and Anishinaabemowin.
Reply/forward: The reply/forward signature is shortened to reduce signature length within a string of emails. It includes a name, job title, Ƶ, faculty or department, and sub-department.
Do not make any changes or additions to the signature. Do not insert any alternate or additional graphics, logos or lockups. Please spell out all words in full, avoiding abbreviations and superscript, except for abbreviated degrees in the credentials section.
Outlook settings may alter the appearance of linked elements in your signature. If you notice the links or urls in your new email signature do not appear black, please edit the links to black in your Outlook signature settings.