Keywords: arts education; music education; arts-based research; assessment in the arts
Keywords: Canadian historical visual and material culture, with emphasis on women artists, feminist art history, artistic groups, regional scenes, collecting histories and intersections of fine art and craft.
Keywords: North American cultural and intellectual history; Canadian-American relations; elite, mass, and popular cultures; philanthropy; cultural policy.
Keywords: community music education; elementary music education; music theatre; research-creation methodologies; responsive and place-based pedagogies; accessibility and inclusion.
Keywords: reproductive technologies; genetic engineering; the political economy of manufacturing; feminist social thought; visual culture (anatomy, cancer care, science fiction).
Keywords: reparative environmental history; the idea of 'nature'; ecologies and ecosystems; historical geographies of colonialism; sound and sonic arts of place; psychoanalysis.
Keywords: Francophone cultural history; Québec/Acadia/French Canada; North American popular culture; commemoration/memory/historiography; festivals and festivities; material culture; speculative and science fiction.
Keywords: community-based participatory research (CBPR); treaty rights, negotiations, and implementation; Indigenous-settler reconciliation in Canada; social-environmental justice and health equity; decolonizing, Indigenous, and participatory tools and methodologies.
Director, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization
Faculty of Arts & Science
Keywords: process-based, participatory curatorial practice; art as a form of social and civic engagement; “in-reach” (engaged institutional practice); transforming the nature and function of the traditional art gallery through work with communities and non-western models of cultural traditions; BIPOC cultural ecologies and the future of museological practice.
Keywords: History of education and the teaching of history; philosophy of education; Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and non-Western intellectual traditions; postcolonial literature and theatre; poetry, narrative, and story.
Keywords: political ecology; critical agrarian studies; social justice; environmental sustainability; neoliberalism, the state, and collective action; peasant, Indigenous and Afro-descendent communities; water governance; social technologies; Latin America.