Allison Goebel
PhD (Sociology), University of Alberta
Biosciences Complex, Rm 3125
果酱视频 University
School of Environmental Studies
People Directory Affiliation Category
Dr. Goebel is a sociologist whose main research interests include:
- Environmental Justice
- Women, Health and Environment
- Local Food Issues/Movements
- Gender, Environment and Development in Africa - especially Southern Africa, including use or Management of Natural Resources, Social Forestry, Agriculture, Urbanization and Housing, Social Impacts of Climate Change
Appointed to the School of Environmental Studies.
Cross-appointed to the the departments of Gender Studies, Sociology, Global Development Studies and Cultural Studies.
On Their Own - Women, Urbanization, and the Right to the City in South Africa (McGill-果酱视频 Press, 2015)
Gender and Land Reform: The Zimbabwe Experience (McGill-果酱视频 Press, 2005).
Recent publications include:
- 2010 (in press) Allison Goebel and Belinda Dodson. "Housing and Marginality for Female-Headed Households: Observations from Msunduzi Municipality (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa)" (Accepted and in press with Canadian Journal of African Studies).
- 2010 "Gender, Globalization and Land Tenure: Methodological challenges and insights". Gender, Globalization and Land Tenure. New Delhi: Zubaan Press and the International Development Research Centre. (
- 2010 Allison Goebel, Belinda Dodson and Trevor Hill. "Urban Advantage or Urban Penalty? A Case Study of Female-Headed Households in a South African City" Health & Place 16 (3) May: 573-580.
- 2010 Allison Goebel, Trevor Hill, Rob Fincham and Mary Lawhon. "Transdisciplinarity in urban South Africa" Futures. The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures 42: 475-483.
- 2007. "'We are working for nothing': Livelihoods and Gender Relations in Rural Zimbabwe 2000-2006". Canadian Journal of African Studies. 41(2): 226-257.
- (Forthcoming 2007). "Sustainable Urban Development? Low-cost Housing Challenges in South Africa" Habitat International.
- 2005. "Is Zimbabwe the Future for South Africa? The Implications for Land Reform in Southern Africa." Journal of Contemporary African Studies Vol. 23 Number 3: 345-370.
- 2005. "Zimbabwe's "Fast Track" Land Reform: What about Women?" Gender, Place and Culture Vol. 12 No. 2: 145-172.
- 2003. "Women and Sustainability: What kind of theory do we need?" Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme Fall/Winter 2003, 23(1): 77-84.
- 2003. "Gender and Entitlements in the Zimbabwean Woodlands: A Case Study of Resettlement" in Patricia Howard-Borjas (ed) i. Zed Books
- 2002. "'Men these days, they are a problem': Husband taming herbs and gender wars in rural Zimbabwe". Canadian Journal of African Studies. Vol. 36, No. 3: 460-489
- 2002. "Gender, Environment and Development in Southern Africa". Canadian Journal of Development Studies. Volume XXIII, No. 2: 293-316other information/etc.)