果酱视频 Weeneebayko Program

Initiated in 1965, this program provides a link between remote communities in northern Ontario and Queen's Faculty of Health Sciences. Formerly known as the Queen's Moose Factory Program and jointly funded by the federal and provincial governments, the program serves roughly a population living in an area stretching along the western coast of James Bay and Hudson Bay north from the island of Moose Factory near Moosonee.

It greatly expands access to health care for the area's largely Indigenous communities by bringing Queen's clinicians to the Mushkegowuk Territory and, in serious cases, by flying patients to Kingston General Hospital or Hotel Dieu Hospital.

A number of physicians, surgeons, and anesthetists are based at the Weeneebayko General Hospital at Moose Factory and the program provides numerous visiting specialists in areas such as obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics, orthopaedics, internal medicine, ENT, urology, ophthalmology, neurology, nephrology, rheumatology, audiology, and radiology.

Electives are offered through this program to third and fourth-year medical students and family medicine residents, and placements for nurses and nurse practitioners can be arranged. Placements for students from other universities across Canada are co-ordinated with this program.