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    High School Dark Matter Workshop

    Saturday, November 4, 2023
    1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    Stirling Hall
    Find on Campus Map

    Join us for an engaging afternoon on dark matter! a collection of scientists and educators at the McDonald Institute at Queen’s University are running a free afternoon workshop for high school students covering the essence of science, the astronomical evidence of dark matter, how particle detectors work and led to our understanding of the standard model of physics. We will then dive deep into the Earth to take a close look at SNOLAB, the underground science facility where detectors are looking for dark matter. We’ll conclude with a tour of the McDonald Institute Visitor Centre and Stirling Hall physics labs and then invite you to stay for some free pizza and chat with other interested students and ask questions of our scientists.

    The workshop will end in time for students to join the Dark Matter Day lecture starting at 7pm.

    To apply: Please send us an email at Outreach@McDonaldInstitute.ca with the subject “Dark Matter Day Workshop” and tell us:

    • Your name
    • Your grade
    • What physics you have taken already
    • Why you are interested in the workshop
    Zachary Kenny
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