New chairs have wide-ranging expertise in research – from glaciers to youth in Africa.
December 16, 2020
Queen’s launches a campus consultation on draft policy and procedures now updated to support safety and inclusivity.
December 15, 2020
Queen’s is encouraging local, first-generation students to apply for the program that provides dedicated support to help them thrive at university.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the student who started the Erased by FEAS account discuss ways to change the faculty, and profession.
The Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowships allow students to collaborate with a faculty expert to explore a research topic of personal interest in the social sciences, humanities, or creative arts.
Before leaning to code, children must learn spatial orientation, how to communicate and how to solve problems. These resources and games help teach the foundational knowledge needed for coding.
December 14, 2020
Work presented by Queen’s University’s Festival of Live and Digital Art recognized as one of top 10 moments in Canadian Theatre for 2020.
December 11, 2020
Faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual campaign exceeds $400,000 for the first time.
With strong support by its Board of Trustees, Queen’s becomes early adopter of Canada’s 50-30 Challenge to achieve gender parity and increase diversity at leadership level.
December 10, 2020
Special Recognition for Staff Awards highlight the contributions of staff across Queen's in 2020.