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April 12, 2013
Flags on campus are lowered in memory of Frances K. Smith, the first curator of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.
Local residents were treated to story-telling and live music at the Artist in Community Education Exhibition in Duncan McArthur Hall.
April 11, 2013
Tony Gkotsis delves deeply into the campus archives and blogs about how planning has shaped Queen's campus.
Queen's Law students competed at the international round of the Jessup Moot for the first time in 19 years.
Jackie Duffin is one of three Queen's professors taking part in the Royal Society of Canada public lecture.
New mandate will include enhanced multi-faith focus.
In a bid to give back, volunteer peer learning assistants share their subject knowledge and study skills with first-year students.
April 10, 2013
Sixteen universities will take part in the Ontario Three Minute Thesis Competition being hosted at Queen's.
Leela Viswanathan draws from years working for NGOs as she creates lasting partnerships at Queen's and in Kingston.
April 9, 2013