Dr. Reid has developed special resources and education initiatives thanks to the support of benefactors.
January 14, 2013
Principal and Vice-Chancellor Daniel Woolf will complete his current term in June 2014 and has indicated he wishes to be considered for reappointment.
Political studies professor is 'energized' by students' enthusiasm.
January 11, 2013
Scholarships granted through the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade help students from around the world study abroad.
Queen's-based company's application allows visitors to walk in first prime minister's footsteps.
Greg Bavington, the centre's new executive director, is ready to share his experiences as a technical innovator and business leader.
Dr. Rena Upitis and Dr. Praveen Jain honoured for their research contributions.
January 10, 2013
Chris and David Sinkinson were the driving force behind SeQure, the Queen's Student Safety App, which launched last year.
The annual Teaching Awards celebrate the innovative efforts of Queen's professors and instructors in the classroom.
January 9, 2013
果酱视频, Intel, and Plastic Logic are working together to revolutionize tablet computing.
January 8, 2013