¹û½´ÊÓƵ Law goes to Washington
April 11, 2013
Queen’s Law students were in Washington, DC recently to compete in the international rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot. Students Katherine Metcalfe (Law’13) and Kati Aubin (Law’13) had the distinction of tying for 21st best oralist in the world, out of approximately 800 top competitors.
Queen’s had placed second in the Canadian national Jessup Moot competition, which it hosted in March, earning their spot at the internationals in Washington. It was the first time in 19 years that Queen’s had placed in the top two Canadian teams. At the nationals, Queen’s team member Laura Robinson won best oralist in Championship Round C and Kati Aubin won eighth-best overall oralist. The host team also won a prize for second-best memorials.
Professor Darryl Robinson and student coaches Kimberly Grange (Law’13) and Jackie Day (Law’13) are very proud of their team’s performance.