Students, faculty and staff, and Chinese university officials also joined the celebratory and networking event.
October 22, 2013
Canadian Jewish studies symposium celebrates the work of Gerald Tulchinsky.
Todd Minerson's passion for social justice was ignited during his university years.
October 21, 2013
Ontario-wide Go Eng Girl! event introduces girls in grades 7 through 10 and their parents to the world of engineering.
Zhiyao Zhang accepted the honour from Gov. Gen. David Johnston at a ceremony in Shanghai.
Joint program between the Sustainability Office and the AMS will see organic waste bins in the JDUC and Queen's Centre.
Queen's first Homecoming in five years wraps up after two weekends of campus and community events.
Homecoming weekends include food drive for the United Way.
October 18, 2013
ECHO Ecological Home finishes in sixth place behind Stanford in the closest International Solar Decathlon to date.
The Canadian Interuniversity Sport selection committee has named Queen's host of the November 2015 tournament.