Growing queer community at Queen鈥檚

Growing queer community at Queen鈥檚

October 26, 2021


QUAQE members attend Pride parade
QUAQE members attend the Kingston Pride parade.

The Queen鈥檚 University Association for Queer Employees (QUAQE) has been busy creating space at Queen鈥檚 for Queer communities.

QUAQE has connected with several Queer student, staff and alumni groups to create a . Together, they hosted a booth at the Kingston Pride Community Fair in September, and QUAQE members and those in solidarity also marched in the parade. QUAQE has launched a new website, and hope that both the Kingston Pride events, and the website will help Queen鈥檚 members, and the broader community, learn about Queer spaces at Queen鈥檚.

With the release of the new Harassment and Discrimination Policy at Queen鈥檚, and the new In-Sight tool launched by the Human Rights & Equity Office, QUAQE is also hosting an open forum event for Queer employees to discuss the changes they would like to see at Queen鈥檚, and challenges they have faced or witnessed. QUAQE launched an online seeking feedback from Queer and Allied staff on education and outreach needs. Information from this survey will help QUAQE鈥檚 Education and Outreach subcommittee understand the needs of the Queer and ally community at Queen鈥檚 and provide resources, events, and supports that meet these needs.

QUAQE continues to hold Queer social space through Happy Hours which take place the first Friday of every month. Although these events are being held online during the pandemic, QUAQE is looking forward to hosting its first in-person Happy Hour in November.

If you鈥檇 like to get involved, or join our mailing list fur updates and event, or have any questions, please email

果酱视频 QUAQE:

QUAQE (Queen鈥檚 University Association for Queer Employees) is an Employee Resource Group (ERG) that supports Queer employees at Queen鈥檚. QUAQE's purpose is to:

  • Supply information and resources for Two-spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ (2SLGBTQ+) employees of Queen鈥檚 at varying career and queer stages (new employees, newly queer/coming out employees, long-term employees, past employees).
  • Developing a community from which to organize and advocate.
  • Building a robust social and supportive community for Queer Employees at Queen鈥檚 which will act as a recruitment and retention strategy.
  • Partnering with other ERGs through mentorship activities for career advancement, networking, and community supports (recognizing our intersectionality as employees).
  • Provide professional development support to 2SLGTBQ+ employees through guest speakers, networking, and skills.