Jaabir Ali

Jaabir AliGeological Sciences (Ph.D.)

Email 20jda@queensu.ca
Supervisors Dr. Vriens, Dr. Leybourne, and Dr. Harrison
Thesis Topic Inorganic thiolated arsenic species in mine wastewater: sources, stability, and environmental impacts

Research Interests

Mine waste(water) geochemistry and treatment, (hydro)geochemical processes and impacts on (ground)water quality, contaminant transport and remediation, surface-subsurface water interactions, (ground)water management and sustainability, migration of fugitive gases in the subsurface, and CO2 sequestration, amongst others.

果酱视频 Jaabir

Jaabir obtained his B.Sc. (Honours) in Geological Engineering and M.Sc. in Groundwater Management (Hydrogeochemistry & Hydrogeology) in Ghana and Germany, respectively. Currently, he is investigating the sources, stability, and environmental impacts of thiolated arsenic species in mine waste(water). His work involves a combination of fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and data analysis, with research sites in Canada and Peru. He has other experience in groundwater prospecting using geophysical methods, hydrogeochemical baseline and simulated evaluations, and geological field mapping/exploration, amongst others.
