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Academic Resources

As a History student at Queen鈥檚 University, you will gain essential academic and career-building skills that will benefit you long after your time at Queen鈥檚. This page contain links to resources for academic success, skills building, and professional writing support available to you here at Queen鈥檚.

If you're seeking History specific student advisement, please visit the Undergraduate Resources page for our academic advising team's contact information. If you need non-academic support, please visit the Wellness and Community Resources page. 

Student Academic Success Centre

Citation & Research Guides

Skills Development & Assistance

Appointments & Workshops

  •  (Introduction to Academic Skills for first-year students)

  • Online Learning

  • Presentation Skills

  • Exam Preparation

  • Group Work

  • Academic Stress


For research assistance, contact, the History Liaison Librarian at Queen's Library. Elizabeth's topic-specific guides are also . 

English as an Additional Language




Grading Scheme

In your history courses, you may receive either letter or numerical percentage grades. For purposes of calculating your course average, your letter grades will be translated into numerical equivalents using the Faculty of Arts and Science approved scale. Your course average will then be converted to a final letter grade according to Queen鈥檚 Official Grade Conversion Scale.

Grading Scheme

Academic Integrity and Academic Appeals

Academic Integrity 

Queen's Student Academic Success Services has created an interactive module to help students understand what academic integrity is, why it matters, and how to incorporate academic integrity in your work. .

Faculty of Arts and Science Academic Integrity Resources

Academic Appeals

Faculty of Arts and Science Academic Appeals Resources: This web page includes FAQs, outlines what students can appeal, how to submit the appeal, and appeal deadlines. 

: The AARC provides support for students who are in the process of making academic appeals, utilizing student volunteers who are knowledgeable in the appeals process and trained by university staff to provide confidential support. 

Tips for Asking for a Reference Letter

During or after your Undergraduate Degree, you may find yourself in need of an academic or professional reference letter. Fortunately, many professors are happy to support their students in this way to help them achieve their future goals. Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when asking your History professors for a letter of reference. 

Consider the following when choosing a referee:

  • How well did I do in the professor's course? 
  • How well does the professor know me and my work? 

Information to include in your request to the professor: 

  • Nature of the request: Make sure the professor understands: 
    • Why you would like a letter from them specifically 
    • In support of what application are you asking them for a letter
    • the deadline by which you need the reference letter by 
  • Course Information
    • Course code
    • Academic year and term in which you took the course
    • Note any assignments that you completed in the course 
    • Final grade
    • Copy of any comments the Professor made on your assignments 
  • Your Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • An unofficial copy of your transcript (please include explanations of any low grades or missing years)
  • Any forms that the instructor will be asked to fill out
  • Download and complete the Academic Reference Request form that is required by the University. 
    • This form authorizes the instructor to access your student record to verify your identity and provide proof in preparing your reference. The form is accessible on the Queen's Records Management and Privacy Office website, at the bottom of the page under "Resources for Students."

Following up

Be sure to let your professor know whether your application was successful! 

Academic Progress on SOLUS

All students have access to a Progress Report via SOLUS once they have completed their first year at Queen's. Within the Progress Report tile, students can run the "What-If Report", which will show your Major or Joint Honours plan requirements in relation to the courses that you have taken to help you easily understand what courses you need to satisfy your degree requirements.

Follow the step-by-step instructions listed on the "What-If Report" section of the SOLUS Help page, but leave the information that is automatically populated in the report fields, then run the report and download the PDF. This report will show you your current academic information. Upper-year students should check this report at least once a year to ensure they are on track to graduate. If you need any assistance accessing or interpreting the report, please contact Alex at hist.undergrad@queensu.ca

GPA Calculator

The Faculty of Arts & Science offers two GPA Calculator tools that help students to estimate their future GPA and determine the grades needed to obtain a specific cumulative GPA. 

Department of History, 果酱视频 University

49 Bader Lane, Watson Hall 212
Kingston ON K7L 3N6


Please note that the Department of History phone line is not monitored at all times. Please leave a voicemail or email hist.undergrad@queensu.ca and we will contact you as soon as we can.



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