Being a university student in Portugal, you would most certainly be invited to participate in a class or course dinner. This is an event which allows people within a certain group to socialize outside of the otherwise formal school or class setting, having conversations, interacting and sharing experiences, while having a meal and drink at a cheaper group price.
In trying to create such a tradition at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLCU) of Queen鈥檚 University, past and present students of Beginning Portuguese have socialized and shared wonderful Portuguese meals over the years since Fall 2015. For information of past editions of the course dinner, please see here.
This year, current and former students of Beginning Portuguese, LLCU Faculty and guests got together at the Portuguese Cultural Centre with the presence of the members of the Committee of Portuguese Language and Culture at 果酱视频, to share a meal and good company.
Appetizer: traditional Portuguese sausage (alheira); soup: chicken broth soup (canja de galinha); entr茅e: codfish with Portuguese cornbread, garlic and olive oil (bacalhau com broa); dessert: Portuguese cr猫me br没l茅e (leite creme) and roasted chestnuts (castanhas assadas) and espresso coffee.