
Where can you find support? 

The Non-Academic Misconduct system can seem complicated, overwhelming and challenging to navigate.  We are here to help!  

We recognize that participation in the Non-Academic Misconduct process can place strain on your academic, extra-curricular, social and personal lives.  We want you to feel confident that you fully understand and are able to navigate the Non-Academic Misconduct system. 

We are aware that you may come into contact with the Non-Academic Misconduct system in any number of ways like as a respondent, a complainant, a witness or as a support person.

The following sections contain information on campus and community resources that can provide support, regardless of your role in the Non-Academic Misconduct process.

Campus Supports

Faith and Spiritual Life:
Queen's chaplains offer spiritual guidance and support to students.

Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre (4D):
provides individual counselling and cultural programming.

Human Rights and Equity Office:
offers confidential advice related to human rights and equity, and becomes involved in human rights dispute resolution if requested by complainants.

provides non-academic advising and cross-cultural counselling to international students.

provides short-term and crisis counselling to students in distress.

Queen's Student Accessibility Services: 
supports students who have various types of disabilities and access needs.

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response:
provides confidential and non-judgemental support and resource referral to students who have experienced sexual violence.

University Ombudsperson:
the designated support office for student respondents to a disclosure or complaint of sexual violence may be accessed through the Office of the University Ombudsperson.

provides a wide range of free legal services to Queen's students. 

drop-in peer listening service that provides support and resource referral.

free, confidential, academic and non-academic advice, strategies for self-advocacy, and referrals. Email

University Ombudsperson:
provides independent, impartial, and confidential information regarding the University's policies and procedures.

contains a list of university policies that apply to students at Queen's.

Campus Security and Emergency Services:
provides a variety of services to support a safe campus environment including: the Blue Light System, Lone Worker Program, and RAD (Rape, Aggression, Defense) Training.

anonymous, confidential, and discrete safe-walk service that provides Queen’s students, staff/faculty, and Kingston community members with a safe, friendly, and comfortable way to travel at night.

Community Supports

an online, mobile friendly library of engaging, interactive pathways that promote wellness and can help you bounce back from challenging times.

a variety of counselling and support services, including walk-in appointments and a 24 hour Crisis Line (613) 544-4229, available to the Kingston community.

counselling and support to members of the Kingston community.

Console (Undergraduate and MBA Students):
free, confidential, 24/7/365 crisis support and short-term, solution-focused counselling. Available to students, even if they opt out of the supplementary health & dental plan.

Empower Me (Graduate Students):
free, confidential, 24/7/365 counselling for crisis situations or scheduled sessions. Empower Me offers Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity sensitive service. Students can request, culture, race, religion, gender identity/sexual orientation specific support. Support is offered in multiple languages. Call 1 (833) 628-5589 in North America.

free, confidential, professional, 24/7/365 counselling, information, and referrals available for post-secondary students in Ontario. Call 1 (866) 925-5454. Text GOOD2TALKON to 686868.

a confidential, anonymous, non-judgmental, and volunteer-based listening service for members of the Kingston Community that runs from 6 pm to 2 am. Call (613) 544-1771.

register to find a family doctor or nurse practitioner. Register or call 811.

free, secure, confidential, 24/7 health advice from a Registered Nurse. Call 811 or Toll free TTY line: 1 (866) 797-0007. Live chat also available. For medical emergencies call 911.

free, confidential, non-judgmental support to survivors of recent or historic sexual violence in the Kingston community. English 24-Hour Crisis and Support Line: (613) 544-6424 or 1 (877) 544-6424. Chat & text support also available.

24/7 multilingual support for male survivors of recent or historical sexual violence. Call 1 (866) 887-0015 for immediate crisis and referral services.