Henry Laycock

Henry Laycock

Associate Professor (Retired)


People Directory Affiliation Category
  • B.A., Oxford
Specializations / Research Interests

Metaphysics, Semantics, Philosophy of Language, Marx


Henry Laycock sometimes teaches courses on Aristotle, Marx, the philosophy of language and metaphysics. He is preoccupied with issues at the intersection of semantics and metaphysics. His current research is focused on the nature of non-singularity and the semantics of non-count nouns, in relationship to the notion of an 'ideal language' or 'canonical notation'. He was a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge and is a Life Member of that College. His recent book Words without Objects is published by the Clarendon Press of Oxford University. His articles have appeared in edited books, and in journals including SynthesePhilosophyPrincipia, the Philosophical ReviewHumana MenteDialogue, the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, and the Journal of Ethics, as well as in the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Recent Media

, August 2018