Kerah Gordon-Solmon

Associate Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator


Arts and Science

People Directory Affiliation Category
  • B.A., McGill
  • M.Phil, Cambridge
  • D.Phil, Oxford

Moral and Political Philosophy, Bioethics


I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Queen鈥檚 University. I received my D.Phil. from the University of Oxford in 2012.

My research lies in normative ethics, practical ethics and political philosophy; much of it is where they overlap. My work in ethics seeks to identify and make sense of the boundaries of permissible harm. This work began in the context of the morality of defensive violence; it now extends beyond it, in a few different directions. Within political philosophy, my focus is luck-egalitarian distributive justice. I am interested both in explicating the egalitarian conception of distributive fairness, and in unpacking the range of moral considerations, beyond fairness, that underpin the luck-egalitarian ideal.

My work has appeared in such venues as Philosophy and Public Affairs and Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Since January 2020, I have been an associate editor of the . I am also a member of the editorial team.

For more information, including a complete list of my publications, please visit .