Designing Software for Space; Experience of a Software Engineer
Friday December 1, 20231:30 pm - 2:30 pm
STI AJohn Schreuders
M Eng, P.Eng
We will begin by explaining the design, implementation and testing of the Operational Control Software (OCS) used to control the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) currently deployed on the International Space Station. The talk will cover how requirements were developed along with the underlying architecture for the OCS on the SSRMS and beyond with the Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator (SPDM or Dexter). Additionally, the talk will walk the audience through how the OCS was tested and ultimately delivered to NASA for launch with the robotic hardware. From there, the talk will briefly expand on the career of John over the years and lead into lessons learned during that time. Specifically, the talk will examine the importance of capturing requirements and strategies to accomplish this. Then, the talk will focus on the need for testing at all levels, from software with a simulated reality to flight hardware testing. Then, the talk will delve into the crucial need for engineers to hone their communication skills throughout their careers.
This speech aims to give the listener a perspective on the career of a professional engineer whose first significant project was sensational: placing a robotic arm on a space station and making it work. From there, the talk will give the audience a quick walk-through of John鈥檚 career and his lessons along the way.
Timbits, coffee, tea will be served in STI A before the colloquium.
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