Tomorrow is LGBTQ+ in STEM international recognition day, sponsored by Pride in STEM. This day is quite relevant to our department, as it is symbolic of the 60th anniversary of American astronomer and gay activist Frank Kameny鈥檚 US Supreme Court fight against workplace discrimination. In the department we recognize the value in the diversity of our community and strive to find ways to make it even more inclusive. One way we are working towards improved diversity and inclusion is with the new EDIIF (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigenization Facilitation) Committee. To the members of the LGBTQ2S+ community in Physics, we recognize you at this time, and appreciate the value you bring to our scientific community, all while you navigate other hidden challenges. To celebrate the community and the day, we are partnering with departmental members from QUAQE (果酱视频 Association for Queer Employees) to hold an informal Q&A happy hour tomorrow, Nov 18th, from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. This will be a social and respectful space where anyone from our department can drop in, and a few of our LGBTQ2S+ members have offered to field questions (anonymous available, respecting the University's code of conduct) about LGBTQ+ in STEM day. You can join using the zoom link below. We hope to see you there.
Meeting ID: 972 1602 7362
Passcode: 706999