School of Religion Film Series

Start Date

Friday September 30, 2016

End Date

Friday November 18, 2016


1:30 pm - 3:30 pm


120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ontario

Wait! That's 果酱视频 Religion? - The School of Religion Film Series

Held at The Screening Room, 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ontario

The School of Religion will host a film series for Queen's students during the 2015-16 academic year. Popular movies, not obviously about religion, will be shown, followed by a discussion led by a School of Religion faculty member that will explore the religious themes in the movie.

The movie, and lively discussion, will be free to Queen's students. Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, from the School of Religion Main Office (rm 213 Theological Hall) or at the theatre just before the screening.

The movies will be shown on Wednesday evenings (6:30-ish). A final schedule will be available later, but the following dates have been booked so far:

  • 30 September - Mad Max: Fury Road - 6:40pm - Discussion led by Richard Ascough
  • 28 October - Transcendence - 6:40pm - Discussion led by Tracy Trothen
  • 18 November - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - 6:30pm - Discussion led by Val Michaelson

Dates may also be booked in January, February and March 2016.

Check back for more information!