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    Faculty of Arts and Science

    Dr. Heather Jamieson samples soil near the Giant Mine in Yellowknife]
    October 1, 2016

    Queen’s made significant and successful efforts to attract women researchers to campus through the 1980s, including through such programs as the Queen’s National Scholar Program.

    [Dr. Parvin Mousavi and Layan Nahlawi in lab]
    June 1, 2016

    Queen's researcherParvin Mousavi,professor in the School of Computing, discusses theways ofturningvast amounts of data available from medical imaging and analysis in the form of temporal ultrasound data into clinical progress with procedures such as needle insertion.

    [soldier at a piano]
    June 1, 2016

    Queen's researcher Kip Pegley,associate professor of musicology and ethnomusicology,researches therole that music plays within the lives of Canadian Forces personnel and Veterans, in particular those who have been deployed and returned to Canada, including those suffering from PTSD.

    [illustration by Carl Wiens]
    April 1, 2016

    Science journalist Ivan Semeniuk retraces the history of Canada’s Nobel Prize-winning physics experiment led byQueen's researcher Arthur McDonald.

    [ Peter Thompson reading book ]
    November 1, 2015

    For Queen's researcherPeter Thompson, a professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures specializing in the literature of the Spanish Golden Age, more information about everyday life in 17th-century Spain can be found in the short theatre pieces, or interludes, that were performed during the intermissions of longer theatre performances.

    [ Dr. Stéfanie von Hlatky sitting at desk ]
    November 1, 2015

    Queen's researcherStéfanie von Hlatky, Director of theQueen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP), is heading a three-year, multi-sectoral research project to learn more about security threats in the extractive sector and how companies deal with them.

    [Photo of Arthur B McDonald Copyright Nobel Media 2015 - Photo by Pi Frisk]
    November 1, 2015

    An interest in mechanics led Queen's researcher ArthurMcDonald, the 2015 co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, to study the universe on a fundamental level, through physics.

    [ Professor Patrick Martin ]
    April 1, 2015

    Queen's researcher Patrick Martin of the Queen’s School of Computing, along with business professor Brent Gallupe, is being given the chance to use IBM’s Watson cognitive computing system as an integral part of the department’s CISC 490 course, Deep Analytics using Watson.

    [Queen’s astrophysicist Stéphane Courteau and his students]
    April 1, 2015

    Together with the SNOLAB group, Queen’s astrophysicists like Stéphane Courteau, and their students, form one of the most active centres for research on dark matter in the world.

    [ Professor Margaret Walker holding her book ]
    April 1, 2015

    Queen's researcher Margaret Walker is anethnomusicologist who discusses her research on kathak with her bookIndia’s Kathak Dance in Historical Perspective.


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