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    School of Computing

    July 9, 2018

    Providing techniques and tools to improve the quality of service oriented architecture applications for the Internet: this research will ensure the reliable and cost-effective delivery of web services for large numbers of users with rapidly changing requirements.

    July 9, 2018

    Providing data analytics techniques to support the development and operation of ultralarge-scale software services: this research will ensure that high-quality services are delivered and operated in a cost-effective fashion.

    July 9, 2018

    Researching the potential for computer-assisted surgery and interventions: this research will enhance the computer-related components of surgery such as medical imaging, scientific visualization, and biosensors for clinical use.

    [Dr. Parvin Mousavi and Layan Nahlawi in lab]
    June 1, 2016

    Queen's researcher Parvin Mousavi, professor in the School of Computing, discusses the ways of turning vast amounts of data available from medical imaging and analysis in the form of temporal ultrasound data into clinical progress with procedures such as needle insertion.

    [ Professor Patrick Martin ]
    April 1, 2015

    Queen's researcher Patrick Martin of the Queen’s School of Computing, along with business professor Brent Gallupe, is being given the chance to use IBM’s Watson cognitive computing system as an integral part of the department’s CISC 490 course, Deep Analytics using Watson.


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