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    How to Clean a Neutrino Detector

    Research Associate and adjunct faculty member Dr. Peter Skensved is the only person to ever access the top of the Acrylic Vessel of the SNO+ neutrino detector, the upgraded Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. He performed a small modification and is seen in the photo polishing the surface. To reach this location required him to be first lowered onto the back of the structure (not visible) which supports the thousands of light sensors seen behind him in the photo, and then to squeeze through a narrow opening to be further lowered onto the transparent 12-metre diameter acrylic sphere.
    Submission Year: 
    Photographer's affiliation: 
    Academic areas: 
    Arts and Science
    How to Clean a Neutrino Detector
    Faculty / Researcher
    Faculty of Arts and Science
    Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy
    Fundamental Principles of Nature: from Discovery to Application and Innovation
    Understanding the Universe, the Planet and our Place
    Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Laboratory (SNOLAB)
    Location of photograph: 
    SNOLAB, Sudbury, Ontario
    Photographer's name: 
    Mark Chen
    Display Photographers Affiltion + Faculty or Department: 
    Faculty, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy