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    Salt Cavern Luminescence

    In this photo, summer student Katy is LiDAR scanning an underground salt cavern at 975 feet depth. The laser scans create an accurate and highly detailed 3D model of the surface of the object being scanned. Scans taken before and after a blast are compared to evaluate the volume of material removed, the blast induced fracture pattern, and the extent of influence of each blast. Comparing change detection data, and the detailed fracture pattern from different experiments, permits us to improve blasting. This is a collaborative project with the full support of Morton Salt for Master's candidate Jonathan Aubertin.
    Submission Year: 
    Photographer's affiliation: 
    Academic areas: 
    Arts and Science
    Salt Cavern Luminescence
    Faculty / Researcher
    Faculty of Arts and Science
    Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
    Sustainability, Environment and Resources
    Location of photograph: 
    Ojibway Mine, Windsor Salt, Windsor, Ontario
    Photographer's name: 
    D. Jean Hutchinson
    Display Photographers Affiltion + Faculty or Department: 
    Faculty, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering