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    Aging with Oasis

    Oasis is a program co-developed by older adults to strengthen and sustain their communities to support aging in place. The Oasis Evaluation and Expansion research team has been working with Oasis communities since 2018 to expand the program across Canada and to evaluate a number of health and well-being outcomes. This photo depicts a mural that represents the power of communities coming together. Each square of this mural was designed by an Oasis member from communities across Kingston and Belleville. Together, these squares form the Oasis logo, which was designed by members of the original Oasis community.
    Submission Year: 
    Photographer's affiliation: 
    Academic areas: 
    Health Sciences
    Art of Research categories: 
    Partnerships for inclusivity
    [Photo of a mural designed by Oasis members]
    Faculty / Researcher
    Faculty of Health Sciences
    Creative Production and Expression
    Society, Culture and Human Behaviour
    Health, Wellness and the Determinants of Human Health
    Patient-Oriented Research, Transformative Health Care and Health Promotion
    Analytics, Healthcare and Promotion across Populations and Cultures
    Equity, Anti-Racism and Inclusion
    Health Services and Policy Research Institute (HSPRI)
    Location of photograph: 
    Kingston, Ontario
    Photographer's name: 
    Riley Malvern
    Display Photographers Affiltion + Faculty or Department: 
    Staff, Health Services and Policy Research Institute