¹û½´ÊÓƵ the Policy

The Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP) and the accompanying Procedures and Guideline provide a framework for risk assessment, planning, preparation, and support for university-sanctioned Off-Campus Activities. 

The Procedures guide you step-by-step through the actions required to comply with the Policy.  The Guideline supports you in preparing to travel.  

  Document Purpose

Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP)

Defines the scope of Off-Campus Activities, key roles, and the responsibilities of Participants and those in the chain of responsibility with respect to safety in Off-Campus Activities. 

Risk Assessment Procedure

Defines the risk levels (Low, High, Unmanageable) and those activities for which risk has been pre-determined by the university.

Takes you step-by-step through the process of determining and/or approving the risk level for an Off-Campus Activity.

Low Risk Off-Campus Activity Procedure

Takes you step-by-step through the actions required under the OCASP for a Low Risk Off-Campus Activity.

This includes the steps required to set up a Low Risk Off-Campus Activity Safety Planning Record using .

High Risk Off-Campus Activity Procedure

Takes you step-by-step through the actions required under the OCASP for a High Risk Off-Campus Activity.

This includes the steps required to set up a High Risk Off-Campus Activity Safety Planning Record using .

 Reporting Procedure

Outlines the reporting requirements and your responsibilities for the following events: 

  • When safety concerns or new hazards are identified before and/or during an Off-Campus Activity; 

  • When incident(s) occur while participating in an Off-Campus Activity;  

  • After the completion of an Off-Campus Activity

Guideline: Support When Travelling Domestically or Internationally 

Provides guidance on pre-departure actions and on obtaining support when traveling domestically or internationally.

To understand your responsibilities under the OCASP and the steps you must complete, you must first identify your role