Engaging Co-Production to Address Maladaptation in Climate Change Research
Thursday January 26, 202312:30 pm - 1:30 pm
** CHANGED TO VIRTUAL-ONLY ***The Vice-Principal Research Portfolio invites you to join us for an R4R@Q on Maladaptation and Co-production with a presentation by Dr. Marcus Taylor.
Maladaptation and Co-production: Big terms, but what do they mean for grant applications?
Granting agencies have increasingly focused on funding climate change research projects that address ‘maladaptation’ by using methodologies focused on the ‘co-production’ of knowledge. Dr. Marcus Taylor talks through what the concept of maladaptation entails, how it was integrated into the IPCC’s new approach to climate change policy, and provides examples from his work in rural India. Conversely, granting agencies increasingly emphasise that the co-production of knowledge with impacted communities is a potential solution to maladaptation. Overviewing different co-production approaches, Dr. Taylor cautions that there are sharp debates over what co-production means in both theory and practice and suggests some potential pathways forward.
Session Material: (
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Dr. Marcus Taylor is a Professor in Global Development Studies who has worked on climate change adaptation research over the past decade. He is a contributing author to the IPCC Working Group II 2022 Report and member of the OECD advisory body on climate change governance. His books include The Political Ecology of Climate Change Adaptation (Routledge, 2015)
Questions? Email Andrea Hiltz ahiltz@queensu.ca
Issues with registration? Email James Ligthart james.ligthart@queensu.ca
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