Abbreviations, Acronyms, Jargon, and common Terms

Below is a searchable database of abbreviations, acronyms, jargon and common terms used in Research at 果酱视频.

Term Meaning
ACEnet The regional organization representing the Atlantic provinces within the Compute Canada Federation (CCF)
ACS Animal Care Services
AE(s) Adverse Event(s)
ADR Associate Dean Research
AI Artificial intelligence
AMS Alma Mater Society
ARC Advanced Research Computing
ASUS Arts & Science Undergraduate Society
AUCC Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
AUP Animal Use Protocol
AVPR Associate Vice Principal Research
BISC Bader International Study Centre (now called Bader College)
BPM TRAQ Business Process Meeting/resources/terms
BrainCODE The research platform supporting the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) 鈥 developed by Indoc Research and supported by the CAC
CAC Centre for Advanced Computing 鈥 The regional organization representing Ontario within the Compute Canada federation 鈥 formerly known as HPCVL (name changed on April 1, 2016) (part of the VPR Portfolio)
Calcul Quebec The regional organization representing Quebec within the Compute Canada federation
CANARIE Canada鈥檚 Advanced Research and Innovation Network 鈥 provider of the optical network connecting the provincial networks
CARA Canadian Association of Research Administrators
CBG Cancer Biology and Genetics (part of QCRI; involved in laboratory based fundamental and translational research in cancer biology and genetics)
CBPR community-based participatory research
CC Compute Canada 鈥 a member based organization with the members being the universities and research hospitals across Canada who elect to pay an annual membership fee 鈥 members are users of ARC and HPC. CC officially ends on March 31, 2022 (see NDRIO)
CCE Cancer Care and Epidemiology (part of QCRI; a multidisciplinary health services research group with a mandate to study all aspects of cancer care delivery and cancer epidemiology)
CCF Compute Canada Federation
CCTG Canadian Cancer Trials Group 鈥 an academic cooperative oncology group located in the Sinclair Cancer Research Institute, one of the national programs of the Canadian Cancer Society, and the only non-American partner of the US National Clinical Trials Network
CCV Common Curriculum Vitae (also Common CV)
CEC-REN Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Research Excellence Network (Part of Beaty Water Research Centre in Fac of Engineering)
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CERC Canada Excellence Research Chairs (federal program that provides up to $10M over 7 years to support world鈥攔enowned researchers and their teams)
CERU Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (Kingston, ON)
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFI Canada Foundation for Innovation (this is the federal granting agency that is associated with a large number of our programs)
CFI IF Canada Foundation for Innovation - Innovation Fund
CFI IOF Canada Foundation for Innovation - Infrastructure Operating Fund
CFI MSI Canada Foundation for Innovation - Major Science Infrastructure fund
CFI NPF Canada Foundation for Innovation - National Platform Fund
CFREF Canada First Research Excellence Fund (tri-agency initiative to assist Canadian post-secondary institutions in their efforts to become global research leaders)
CIHI CIHR 鈥 Canadian Institutes for Health Research (this is a federal tri-council program, which ORS deals with)
CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research
CIMVHR Canadian Institute for Military Veterans Health Research (located at Queen鈥檚)
CIO Chief Information Officer
CL3 Containment level 3; a research facility designed to support research requiring biocontainment of potentially lethal microbes/viruses
CO Compute Ontario (includes SciNet, SharcNet, HPC4Health and CAC)
COI Conflict of interest
CORE Course on Research Ethics
CPARC Canadian Particle Astrophysics Research Centre (former name for the Arthur B. McDonald Institute)
CPCSSN Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (located at Queen鈥檚) (pronounced: sip sin)
CRC Canada Research Chairs (this is the federal agency that runs a program for individual researchers that provides mostly salary support and provides overhead to Qs, a CFI-LOF could also accompany a CRC application)
CRCC Canadian Research Coordinating Committee
CRCEF Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (related to COVID-19)
CRCP Canada Research Chairs Program
CRCs Canada Research Chairs
CRD Collaborative Research and Development Grants
CRDC Canadian Research and Development Classification
CSPC Canadian Science Policy Conference
CTG Clinical Trials Group
CTO Chief Technology Officer
CV Curriculum Vitae
Cybera An Alberta not-for-profit responsible for the provincial ORAN as well as innovations that are enabled by networks and computers
DAC Diabetes Action Canada
DBMS Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
DDQIC Dunin-Deshpande Queen鈥檚 Innovation Centre
DEAP Diversity and Equity Assessment and Planning
Deputy VPR Deputy Vice-Principal Research
DSS Data Summary and Signature Sheet (historical internal Qs document researchers filled out for funding and ethics approvals, term still used to refer to TRAQ forms completed for awards module)
ECR Early Career Researcher
ED Executive Director
EDI Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
EDII Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity
EOI Expression of Interest
ERA Early Researcher Award (this is a program that supports individuals for student salaries, travel, and other costs, and also provides overhead to Qs)
EVP Executive Vice Principal/President
FACULTY 180 a software to create and maintain CVs for professors
FAS Faculty of Arts and Sciences (also A&S)
FAS Faculty of Arts & Science (also A&S)
fCOI Financial Conflict of Interest
FDGs Four Designated Groups
FEAS Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
FedDev/FedDev Ontario Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (a federal program supporting innovation and economic growth in southern Ontario)
FHS Faculty of Health Sciences
fMRI Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FundOpps Funding opportunities are emailed twice a week to subscribers. Also called 鈥渇undopps鈥. The company that manages the email list is 鈥淐onstant Contact鈥
FY Fiscal Year
GEI Global Excellence Initiative
GLP Good Laboratory Practice
GPU Graphics Processing Units
GRA Globalink Research Award (Mitacs program)
GREB General Research Ethics Board (primarily has human ethics authority over humanities, social science, science, engineering, and administrative research involving humans)
GRF General Research Fund
GrIP Grants and Institutional Programs
GrIP+ Grants and Institutional Programs + support staff
HDH H么tel Dieu Hospital
HDHRI Hotel Dieu Hospital Research Institute
Here4U a software program developed by the CAC and IBM to provide mental health support
HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act (USA)
HMRC Human Mobility Research Centre
HOD Hospital Operational Director
HPC high performance computing
HPC4Health a computing consortium consisting of UHN and the Hospital for Sick Children
HPCS High Performance Computing Symposium
HPCVL High Performance Computing Virtual Laboratory (renamed CAC on April 1, 2016)
HQP Highly Qualified Personnel (research trainees such as graduate students and postdocs, common term used by Tri-Agenices)
HREO Human Rights & Equity Office
HS Health Sciences
HSREB Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board (primarily reviews health science research, including all human participant research being conducted at the affiliated teaching hospitals)
I-EDIAA Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Accessibility
IC Industry Canada (now ISED Innovation, Science and Economic Development)
ICES Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
IESO Independent Electricity Systems Operator (Ontario)
IF Innovation Fund (a CFI program for individuals, and small or large groups of researchers to obtain infrastructure)
IJVF International Joint Ventures Fund (a CFI program that supports large projects involving multiple institutions from across Canada and beyond)
IMRAP Institutional Multidisciplinary Research Adjudication Panel (used for large CFI Innovation Fund competitions)
Indoc Research a bioinformatics not-for-profit company (Toronto, ON) responsible for developing BrainCODE
IOF Infrastructure Operating Fund (a CFI program that provides operating funds for JELF, LOF and/or LEF/NIF projects)
IP Intellectual property
IRC Institutional Research Committee (used for large CFI Innovation Fund competitions)
ISED Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (formerly Industry Canada)
ISO 27001 a certification program for highly secure data centres
ISRC Queen鈥檚 Institutional Strategic Research Committee (new in 2020)
JELF John R. Evans Leaders Fund (a CFI program for individual or small group of researchers to obtain infrastructure)
KGH Kingston General Hospital
KGHRI Kingston General Health Research Institute
KHSC Kingston Health Sciences Centre
LCDRI Leadership Council on Digital Research Infrastructure
LEF Leading Edge Fund (a CFI program for individuals, and small or large groups of researchers to obtain infrastructure for projects that are innovative and should support another CFI project)
Listserv an application that distributes messages to subscribers on an electronic mailing list. (see FundOpps)
LOF Leaders Opportunity Fund (a CFI program which no longer exists as it basically became the JELF)
LOI Letter of Intent
LOS Letter of Support
LP1 a large parallel computer installed at SciNet **No longer in use**
LSARP Large Scale Applied Research Project (program through the ORF)
LSO Life Sciences Ontario
M9K Sun M9000 computer (installed at HPCVL replaced in 2016)
MEDI Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation (Ontario)
MITACS a funding agency for research internships for students and postdoctoral fellows
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRIS Ministry of Research Innovation and Science (provincial agency that is associated with the CFI matching program, and other provincial stand-alone programs)
MSI Major Science Initiatives - a funding program run by CFI to provide operating funding for large science projects (including high performance computing)
MTA Material Transfer Agreement
National Platform the collection of 5 high performance computing sites located across Canada, consisting of 鈥淎rbutus鈥 (Victoria), 鈥淐edar鈥 (SFU), 鈥淕raeme鈥 (Waterloo), 鈥淣iagara鈥 (Toronto), 鈥淏eluga鈥 (McGill)
NCE Network of Centres of Excellence
NCIC National Cancer Institute of Canada
NDA Non-disclosure agreement
NDRIO New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization - a working name for the organization that will replace Compute Canada effective April 1, 2022
NFK NanoFabrication Kingston
NFRF New Frontiers in Research Fund
NIF New Initiatives Fund (a CFI program for individuals, and small or large groups of researchers to obtain infrastructure for projects that are innovative and do not build on another CFI project)
NIH National Institutes of Health
NOA Notice of Award (may be a conditional (pen-ultimate, few details to sort out before finalized) or unconditional (final) NOA)
NOD Notice of Decision
NOF/New Opps New Opportunities Fund (a CFI program which no longer exists as it basically became the LOF)
NOI Notice of Intent
NPF National Platform Fund (a CFI program that largely supports projects involving multiple institutions from across Canada, which build on another CFI project)
NRC National Research Council of Canada
NSE Natural Sciences and Engineering
NSERC National Sciences & Engineering Research Council (this is a federal tri-council program, the Office of Research Services deals with these programs)
NSERC 鈥 OBI Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Ontario Brain Institute
OBI Ontario Brain Institute
OCBN Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network (Toronto, ON) now Indoc Research
OCE Ontario Centres of Excellence (a provincial funding agency, small to medium grants)
OCI Ontario Cancer Institute
OHDP Ontario Health Data Platform
OICR Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
OIT Ontario Innovation Trust (a provincial program that no longer exists as it basically became the MRI) (defunct)
OPI Office of Partnerships and Innovation (part of the VPR Portfolio) **No longer in use SEE QPI**
ORDCF Ontario Research Development Challenge Fund (this is a program that no longer exists as it basically became the ORF-RE) (defunct)
ORF-RE Ontario Research Fund: Research Excellence (this is an MRI program that supports stand-alone projects involving individual researchers or groups and provides salary support, travel, and other costs, and also provides overhead to Qs)
ORF-RI Ontario Research Fund: Research Infrastructure (this is an MRI program that matches a majority of CFI programs)
ORF-RI LIF Large Infrastructure Fund (the ORF-RI program that matches LEF/NIF projects)
ORF-RI SIF Small Infrastructure Fund (the ORF-RI program that matches LOF projects)
ORION Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network connects universities, colleges and hospitals across Ontario with each other Ontario鈥檚 connection to the CANARIE network
OSC Ontario Synchrotron Consortium
OVPR Office of the Vice Principal (Research), executive office of the VP (Research) **No longer in use SEE VPR**
Parteq "Old name of the organization that patents inventions from Queen鈥檚 researchers. Earlier in 2017 Parteq was reorganized in the Queen鈥檚 鈥淥ffice of Partnership and Innovation鈥. "
PC / PCC / PCH Providence Care (also known as Providence Care Centre / Providence Care Hospital)
PCCC Providence Care Community Clinics
PDA Premier鈥檚 Discovery Award (this is a provincial program that provides support to individuals with approval from their faculty on the expenditure of the funds)
PDC(s) Partnerships Development Coordinator(s)
PDF Postdoctoral Fellow
PDO(s) Partnerships Development Officer(s)
PD(s) Protocol Deviation(s)
PE Program Evaluation
PHI Personal Health Information
PHIPA Personal Health Information Protection Act (Canada)
PICRDI Principal鈥檚 Implementation Committee on Racism, Diversity and Inclusion
PIs Principal Investigators
POC Proof of Concept
POP Point of Presence - a connection point to the optical network
PREA Premier鈥檚 Research Excellence Award (this is a program that no longer exists as it became the ERA)
QA Quality Assurance
QCPU Queen's Cardio Pulmonary Unit
QCRI Queen鈥檚 Cancer Research Institute (accommodates 3 major cancer research groups at Queen鈥檚)
QI Quality Improvement
QNS Queen鈥檚 National Scholars
QPI Queen鈥檚 Partnership and Innovation (part of the VPR Portfolio)
QRC Queen鈥檚 Research Chair (this is a discontinued Qs internal program that provided individuals with an annual award to spend as per faculty approval)
QROF Queen鈥檚 Research Opportunity Fund (represents a strategic investment in areas of institutional research strength that will provide researchers and scholars opportunities to accelerate their programs and research goals.)
QUBS 果酱视频 Biological Station
QUIC Queen鈥檚 University International Centre (supports international students at Queen鈥檚)
R4R@Q Resources for Research at Queen鈥檚
RAF Risk Assessment Form
RCI Research Centres and Institutes
RCs Research Coordinators
RCU Research Contracts Unit (now called Research Legal Services (part of QPI))
RD Research Director
RDM Research Discovery Management
RDN Research Discovery Network
REB Research Ethics Board
RIG Research Initiation Grant (designed to provide a one-time start-up research Project (account) for new academic appointees who meet the eligibility requirements)
RISQ R茅seau d'informations scientifiques du Qu茅bec now part of Calcul Quebec
RLS Research Legal Services (formally Research Contracts Unit (part of QPI))
RMC Royal Military College of Canada
RPA Research Projects Advisor
RSC Royal Society of Canada
SAC Scientific Advisory Committee
SEA(s) Serious Adverse Event(s)
SASS Student Academic Success Services
SC SuperComputing conference held annually in the US
SciNet a U of Toronto based computing centre host to the Niagara system on of the 5 National Platform host sites
SEAMO Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization (an association whose members are: the Clinical Teachers' Association of 果酱视频, Kingston General Hospital, The Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph of the Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston, Providence Continuing Care Centre (St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital) and 果酱视频.)
SGPS Society of Graduate and Professional Students
SGS now SGSPA School of Graduate Studies now called School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
SHARCnet a consortium of universities in Southwestern Ontario
Sick Kids The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, ON)
SIG Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Institutional Grant
SME(s) Small to Medium-sized Enterprises
SMITH Smith School of Business
SNO Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
SNOLAB Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Lab (Sudbury and Kingston, ON)
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOSCIP Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform a consortium of Ontario universities and colleges focused on linking industry to academia to advance the use of high-end computing
SPOs Standard Operating Procedures
SRP Strategic Research Plan
SSH Social Sciences and Humanities
SSHRC Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
TGMS Tri-Agency Grant Management System
TIPS Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat
TRAQ Tools for Researchers at Queen鈥檚
TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission
UACC University Animal Care Committee
UCARE University Council on Anti-Racism and Equity - /inclusive/content/university-council-anti-racism-and-equity-ucare
UHN University Health Network (Toronto)
UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
URG University Research Grants **No longer in use SEE URS**
URS University Research Services/Research Services
USRA Undergraduate Summer Research Award (NSERC program)
USSRF Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowships (internal Queen鈥檚 program)
VPOC Vice Principals鈥 Operations Committee
VPR Vice-Principal Research/Vice-Principal Research Portfolio
WestGrid The regional organization representing the Western provinces (Manitoba and west) within the Compute Canada federation
WJHCPOR WJ Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research
YGK YGK is the airport code for Kingston and has been used as a synonym to describe Kingston
YSEP Young Scientist Exchange Program