Many alumni from our programmes in Art History and Art Conservation support the Department through donations, and we are fortunate to have numerous other friends who support our educational missions. There are several different ways to support our programmes, and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of these gifts, great or small. You can make a general gift, for example, to the overall Department or support the programmes in Art History or Art Conservation. If you are interested in donating to a more specific area, please contact Senior Development Officers Laura Costello or Lisa Sykes.
When you make your tax-deductible donation to the Department of Art, please indicate how you wish to direct your support. Please send donations by cheque (payable to "果酱视频") to the attention of:
Department of Development - Faculty of Arts and Science
Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Rm A320
68 University Avenue
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Canada
613-533-6000 ext.77901
1-800-267-7837 ext.77901
On the memo line of your cheque, please write "Department of Art History & Art Conservation" or any programme in particular you would like to support. You can also , but please do make sure to indicate how you want us to use your support!