Participate in Research

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of our studies involve one to two visits to our child-friendly centre that take 45 minutes to an hour. Once here, your child will participate in a series of fun, age appropriate play-like tasks with our staff. You are able and welcome to be with your child at all times during your visit. Siblings are more than welcome! We have toys, games and friendly staff to play with your children. As well, there are often additional studies being conducted that your other children may be able to participate in at the same time.

View our social story for children (PDF, 250 KB) about participating in our studies

Most of our studies involve one to two hour long visits to our centre. Once here, you will participate in a series of tasks that may involve answering questions, watching an actor or a video, or participating in hands-on activities.

Our staff will make every effort to accommodate your busy schedule. We are available on weekdays, evenings and on Saturdays.

We are always creating new studies that involve infants, children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. View a list of our current studies.

All of the information we obtain from our participants is kept strictly confidential. After completing our study, your information will only be identifiable by a participant number and is only accessible to members of our research team.

We are located in Humphrey Hall on Arch St. at 果酱视频. Arch St., a one way street, runs south from Union St. You can reach the parking area by making your first right as soon as you turn onto Arch Street. A member of our staff will be waiting there and will direct you to a reserved parking spot. We are located on the first floor of Humphrey Hall in room 107, across from the elevator. If you have any questions or need directions, feel free to call us at (613) 533-2894 or email us at