This directory includes Cultural Studies MA and PHD students and our affiliated faculty. Use the "Filter by" drop-down menu to search only for Faculty, PhD Students or MA Students. The filter can also be used to view students by cohort, based on the year they joined the program.
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Assistant Professor
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Keywords: semiotics; intertextuality; information circulation and sovereignty; Indigenous linguistic and cultural reclamation; functional approaches to grammar and discourse
Keywords: Indigenous literatures; contemporary Canadian literature; Indigenous governance and its pursuit through art; multiculturalism as an ideal and practice; hockey culture; masculinity theory; literary activism.
Keywords: Black Studies; theories of race; cultural geographies; anti-colonial studies; knowledge and liberation; Black Arts (music, fiction, poetry, visual art); Sylvia Wynter.
Keywords: Black Atlantic cultures; politics and intellectual traditions; diasporic identities and decolonial praxis; migration and multiculturalism; public history and humanities.
Other Affiliations: Black Studies; Gender Studies; History
Keywords: Jewish Latin American literature; Latin American women’s literature; Latin American film.
Keywords: curatorial studies; cinema and digital/new media; curatorship; digital replicas and cultural heritage; projection technologies.
Keywords: Science & Technology Studies; political sociology; ethnography; security and surveillance technology; science and state-making; artificial intelligence, algorithms, human dignity, and social justice.
Keywords: French, Scandinavian, and German art of the 19th and early 20th centuries; history of museums and collecting; the art of psychiatric patients; printmaking; intersections between art and science; critical theory, in particular feminist and critical race theory; historiography; medical humanities; visual and material culture studies.
Keywords: Queer Studies; feminist and queer ethnography; histories and practices of anti-racist and anti-colonial activisms; white settler colonialism and Indigenous politics; activist research methods.
Keywords: African American literature and culture; Black Studies; Sound Studies; Performance Studies.
Keywords: discursive construction of spirituality and religion; concepts of nonreligion and secularity; new religious movements; ritual; religion and/as media; contemporary and conceptual art; museums; everyday aesthetics; information overload, social media, and surveillance cultures; boredom and spirituality.
Keywords: oral, urban, and community-based history; the politics of heritage preservation and its relation to gentrification; southern Ontario treaty and Indigenous history; anticolonial and Indigenous theory; art as part of heritage interpretation and community building; American literature and culture before the Civil War; history of the newspaper.
Keywords: media, performance, and culture with attention to race, gender, and sexuality; digital digital media and cultures; media installation and performance art; media and performance theory; popular culture and representation; material feminist studies and feminist technology studies; critical ethnic studies and US-based race studies, especially transnational Asian/American studies; speculative media studies; anti-racist, queer, feminist, trans politics.
Keywords: documentary and film theory; documentary and interactive documentary film-making; intersections of new media, oral history, geography; Israeli and Palestinian cinemas and media; histories of colonialism, resistance, and reslilience; co-creation and ethical participatory media practices.