Exit Survey

果酱视频 strives to be an employer of choice and considers employees to be its most valuable resource. As a departing employee or an employee transferring departments, you are a valuable source of information regarding various working conditions experienced during your period of employment.

This information is requested to help Human Resources and the Human Rights and Equity Office identify possible reasons why employees choose to leave Queen's or transfer to other departments.  We strive to maintain a positive working environment.  Your suggestions, comments and observations will aid us in continuing to achieve this goal.

We encourage you to be candid in your response to the questions so that we may gain from your experience as a Queen's employees.  Please know that this information is confidential and your questionnaire will not become part of your personnel file. Anonymized feedback may be provided at the department level in order to make improvements however individual responses will not be disclosed.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, or would prefer to meet with Human Resources or Human Rights and Equity Office in person,  please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Human Resources

email: hradmin@queensu.ca or
telephone: (613) 533-2070

Human Rights and Equity Office

email: equity@queensu.ca or
telephone: (613) 533-2563


If you have completed your appointment or contract with Queen's or have transferred to another department and would like to complete the Exit Survey, click the following buttons:

Exit Survey for Departing Employees

Exit Survey for Internal Transfers

If you require the Survey in an alternative format, please do not hesitate to contact Equity Services. We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.