You can download the EL Faculty Toolkit (PDF, 2.7 MB) or look for specific tools in customizable Word doc format below.
Experiential Learning Design
- Logistical Planning Chart (docx, 69 kB): Evaluate program options and work through the logistics inherent in course or program design
- Curriculum Design Chart (docx, 49 kB): Generate ideas during the design process, best used with Logistical Planning Chart above
- I-EDIAA Considerations for Implementing EL (docx, 99 kB): Overview of I-EDIAA considerations to increase access to EL for equity-deserving students and create meaningful and inclusive student engagement with the EL opportunity
- Learning Plan (docx, 56 kB): Guide and template for a student learning plan to support an EL activity
- Preparing for a Successful EL Opportunity with a Host Unit (docx, 53KB): Checklist for students to use before they begin a placement or project that requires on-site engagement with a host unit.
- Student-Host Supervisor Agreement (docx, 51 kB): Template agreement between student, course supervisor, and host organization supervisor
- Research as EL (docx, 51 kB): How to identify if your EL activity is also research and important considerations to address
- DEAL Model for Critical Reflection (docx, 341 kB): Intro to the DEAL model with question prompts for student reflection
- Designing Reflection (docx, 49 kB): Intro and questions for student reflection
- Experiential Learning Cycle Assessment (docx, 52 kB): Questions and assessment rubric for the EL cycle
- DEAL Model Assessment (docx,50 kB): Question and assessment rubric for DEAL model
- Sample Assessment Student Placement Performance (docx, 57 kB): Sample assessment for host organization supervisors
EL Workshops
The EL Hub offers workshops on a range of topics such as:
- Integrating into a New Workplace
- Principles of Community Engagement
- Skills Assessment, Goal Setting, Reflection
- Articulation of Learning
To book a workshop please visit the or go directly to the ''.
Student Wellness Services also offer a workshop titled "Taking Care of Yourself During Your Experiential Learning (EL) Experience". Visit their Events and Trainings page to learn more and request a workshop (see Student, Staff, Faculty Trainings list).
If there are any experiential learning tools or resources you would like to see developed, please contact
Please see our EL Risk Management page for additional resources.