International Women's Week celebrated at 果酱视频

International Women's Week celebrated at 果酱视频

March 6, 2013


A display put together by the Department of Gender Studies in Mackintosh-Corry Hall explores International Women's Day and gender issues, among other themes. 

From talks on human trafficking, micro-finance and maternal health, to a '90s-themed dance party, Kingston’s annual Women’s Week celebrations promise something for everyone. Events on campus and throughout the broader Kingston community are marking women’s economic and social achievements while acknowledging the challenges that still lie on the road ahead. International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900s and is marked annually on March 8. This year, International Women’s Week runs from March 2 -10.

  • On Thursday, March 7, a women’s day-themed dessert night takes place at McLaughlin Hall in the John Deutsch University Centre. Hosted by , a local offshoot on an international organization, the evening will include presentations by three guest speakers whose work aligns closely with the organization’s goal of raising awareness about equality issues facing women and girls around the world. Professor Paritosh Kumar (Global Development) will talk about his research looking at arranged marriage in India and the growth of women intermediaries in across-region matrimony. Dr. Marina Straszak-Suri, from the Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Ottawa, will share her experiences teaching obstetrical skills in Africa. Ron Turley, a volunteer with the international, non-profit micro-finance organization, KIVA, will explain how lending small amounts of money can help to alleviate poverty in developing countries.
  • Two events at Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre will also celebrate International Women’s Week. On Thursday, March 7, women are invited to unite their voices through learning Anishawbe songs on the hand drum (drums and rattles provided). Later, PhD student Shauna Shiels (Cultural Studies) will give a talk on Indigenous Feminism, while sharing her own research on Indigenous women’s beadwork.
  • On Friday, March 8, the Kingston-based feminist coalition has an International Women’s Day event planned for noon at the Athletics and Recreation Centre, and on Sunday, March 10, will be holding a ‘Slutwalk’ protest march at City Park in a bid to raise awareness about the issue of victim-blaming in connection with rape and sexual assault.

For more information about International Women’s Week events in Kingston visit