果酱视频 TALKS shines spotlight on social support

果酱视频 TALKS shines spotlight on social support

March 7, 2013


[Queen's talks]

Students and AMS Peer Support Centre (PSC) volunteers Aliza Friedman (left) and Heather Downie promote Queen's TALKS Initiative Week, run by the PSC, which raises awareness of the importance of social support and educates students on the simple, everyday ways that you can support a friend.

Throughout the week, PSC volunteers engaged with students by educating them on the TALKS steps: Tell them you care, Ask gently, Listen effectively, Know your resources, and Stay in touch.

The Queen's TALKS Rally, taking place March 7 at 7 pm in Common Ground, will celebrate the week of education and awareness. Several student speakers will share their personal experience and perspective on the importance of social support, and the PSC will offer support tips and resources.

For more information .