Summer barbecue draws a crowd
June 28, 2013
More than 1,800 people came out for the Queen’s Summer BBQ this week. Principal Daniel Woolf and Provost Alan Harrison (pictured above) were among the senior administrators who helped serve the meal to staff and faculty.
“It was great to see so many members of the Queen’s community come together to share a meal,” says Principal Woolf. “The summer is a wonderful time to connect with friends and colleagues, and the barbecue gave us an opportunity to express our gratitude to the staff, faculty and retirees that help make Queen’s the place it is today.”
The barbecue also provided an opportunity for the Queen’s community to give back. Donations of non-perishable food items were accepted on behalf of Kingston’s Partners in Mission Food Bank, which has helped provide low-income families with food for nearly 30 years.
The plays a vital role in ensuring the food security of Kingston's families. It distributes food on a regular basis to individuals and families in need, and supplies surplus food to roughly 20 hot meal and shelter programs. The food bank receives no government funding and depends on the monetary and food donations of the Kingston community to carry out its work.
Queen's employees and retirees attending the barbeque generously filled a large donation bin with non-perishable food and made a number of cash donations in support of the Partners in Mission Food Bank.