Two books make top-100 political list
January 15, 2016
Two books from the Queen’s School of Policy Studies have been included in The Hill Times Top-100 Political Books of 2015.
In the annual list , edited by Keith G. Banting, Richard P. Chaykowski and Steven F. Lehrer (McGill-Queen’s University Press) placed 88th while , edited by A. Scott Carson, Jeffrey Dixon, and Kim Richard Nossal (Queen’s McGill University Press) was ranked 90th in the annual list. The Hill Times is an independently-owned newsweekly covering the Canadian government and politics.
“Being included in The Hill Times list is great news for the School of Policy Studies and Queen’s,” says Dr. Carson, Stauffer-Dunning Chair and executive director of Queen’s School of Policy Studies. “This recognition demonstrates that the collaborative academic work produced here at Queen’s University is being read, and, more importantly, informing Canadian policy.”
“Thinking Outside the Box” originated in a conference celebrating the research and policy contributions of Tom Courchene, the founding director of the School of Policy Studies. As Keith Banting, Professor of Political Studies and Policy Studies, observes, “the title of the book perfectly captures the inventiveness and creativity of Tom’s policy research.”
Toward A Healthcare Strategy for Canadians is the result of the Queen’s Healthcare Policy Change Conference Series, a joint initiative by the Queen's School of Policy Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences and The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare at Smith School of Business, which brought together 385 senior Canadian and international leaders from business, healthcare delivery, government and academia to explore mobilizing change and how to manage and govern a pan-Canadian approach to healthcare.
A companion volume focused on implementation, Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, will be published in 2016.
Both books are part of the Queen’s School of Policy Studies Series, a premier publisher of policy-related material in Canada, on McGill/Queen’s University Press.