M.A. 果酱视频, 2022
B.A. Mount Allison University, 2020
I am a first year P.h.D Student studying the cultural and intellectual developments of Eastern Europe during the early modern period with my advisor, Dr. Siljak. I graduated from Mount Allison University with an Honours in History and a Minor in Philosophy. During my time at Mount Allison, I had also studied Classics and Classical Archaeology. In my final year, I wrote a thesis that explored the French philosopher Albert Camus as a humanist thinker who was influenced by the Mediterranean landscape. During my Masters, however, I studied the history of the Kyivan Rus' and Muscovy and wrote a thesis on The Tale of Byegone Years. I am also involved in the ongoing Venus Pompeiana Project, which is an archaeological field school that Mount Allison and the University of Missouri have been running in Pompeii since 2017. I have been with the project since 2018.