果酱视频 Endowment Holdings

 Queen's Endowment Holdings at December 31, 2023
(XLS, 548 KB)

Queen's is committed to transparency in its investment activities. As such, we voluntarily disclose detailed holdings information for the Pooled Endowment Fund (PEF) and Pooled Investment Fund (PIF). When managing these funds, Queen's allocates the assets to a variety of external investment managers with a range of expertise. Queen's does not normally select individual securities internally. Depending on the circumstances, these external investment managers may be hired to manage assets directly in separate accounts, or in pooled fund structures. Where possible, individuals holdings have been disclosed for both separate account and pooled fund investments. 

Please note:

Due to the agreements in place with OMERS, the individual holdings of Queen's investments in Oxford Properties and OMERS Infrastructure funds are not disclosed. For more information on these investments, please visit their respective websites:

Due to the nature of the assets, the individual holdings of Queen's private equity investments are not disclosed.

If you have any questions regarding these disclosures, please contact Investment Services.