The people listed below have identified themselves as offering private tutoring services. Private tutoring is offered separately from 果酱视频; the University does not vet or qualify any of the tutors listed below and makes no representations as to their quality or conduct. As such, Queen鈥檚 University will not be liable in the event of a dispute arising from private tutoring services. Please contact the tutors directly for any further information.
We are only accepting tutor applications from current Graduate Students of the Math & Stats Program.
If you would like to be listed below as a private tutor - Please start by filling out this application form.
Anirban Dutta
Hourly Rate: $40
University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH 110, MATH 112, MATH 120, MATH 123, MATH 126, MATH 212, MATH 221, MATH 225, MATH 228, MATH 231, MATH 280, MATH 281, MATH 326, MATH 328, MATH 429, APSC 172, APSC 174, MTHE 212, MTHE 212, MTHE 225, MTHE 228, MTHE 280, MTHE 281, MTHE 326, MTHE 328.
I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students
Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Bengali
Other notes: I am currently pursuing a graduate degree in Mathematics and have experience as a teaching assistant and teaching fellow. I welcome any discussions on advanced topics, particularly in the area of analysis.
Ananya Omanwar
Hourly Rate: $45
University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH 110 112 121 123 124 126 130 281 Stat 252.
I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students
Languages spoken: English, Hindi
Jerin Tasnim Farin
Hourly Rate: $50
University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: All 1st and 2nd-year math courses in any department.
I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students
Languages spoken: English